MicroMoni — On to a better place.

Ibe Kingsley
Published in
2 min readApr 27, 2021

When we started MicroMoni in 2019, we had a simple mission - Provide equal access to financial services for low-income MSMEs in Africa.

Our vision was to be the most RELIABLE financial technology company in microfinancing for underservedlow-income businesses by 2025.

In a short period, we had created value to more than 250 MSMEs, increased cashflow for these businesses and taught them how to be financially prudent.

We have done a pretty damn good job on our own but not enough to make the Vision stick.

We have always been stubborn on vision but flexible on execution and we believe we can do much more to scale this vision… but not with MicroMoni 😢

In Oct 2019, we hit a milestone and this turned a few heads in our direction. A few more discussions and we found a fit with a shared vision. It is in this light that we have decided to join forces with AjoCard.

AjoCard enables transactions for the un|underbanked using a combination of technology (such as software and mobile POS) and expanding agency platforms.

Together, we believe we can do so much more!.


Today, we have acquired a Microfinance bank license, expanded our agency banking business, launched health Insurance for the underserved and on track to hit 100k users and expect to hit N6B+ in loan value across 300k MSMEs by 2025

Hasta La Vista.



Ibe Kingsley

Restless African l Financial Inclusion Advocate