Mohammed Brückner
Published in
Jun 7, 2023


I once had a colleague who was always running behind schedule and never seemed to get things done on time. One day, I noticed him frantically trying to juggle multiple tasks simultaneously while looking stressed out.

I told him to go one by one instead, but with priority. He took my advice seriously and soon implemented this strategy into his daily routine.

A few weeks later, he thanked me for the suggestion as it helped him complete his work more efficiently than ever before! Seeing how something so simple could make such a significant impact made me realize how valuable these old-school approaches can be in our fast-paced world today!

Taking tips from tried-and-true methods like those taught by our elders can help us achieve greater productivity without adding any extra stress or workload - ultimately leading towards success both personally & professionally.



Mohammed Brückner

Author of "IT is not magic, it's architecture", "The DALL-E Cookbook For Great AI Art: For Artists. For Enthusiasts."- Visit