The IT Zombie Apocalypse Survival Guide

How to Break the Curse of Technical Debt and Zombie Systems

Mohammed Brückner
4 min readMay 5, 2024


Did you know that zombie systems are silently devouring your IT budget and productivity? These outdated tools and services are like a horde of slow-moving IT monsters, no longer serving your business needs, yet continuing to consume precious resources. Let’s crunch some numbers to show the true cost of this undead menace.

The Stakes Are Frighteningly High

  • A recent IBM study revealed a terrifying truth: the average cost of a data breach in 2022 reached a staggering $4.35 million, a whopping 12.7% increase compared to 2021. That’s enough to send shivers down any CFO’s spine!
  • And if that data breach nightmare isn’t enough, consider this: According to Gartner, every minute of IT downtime can cost an organization a hair-raising $5,600. Every. Single. Minute.

It’s Not Just About the Benjamins (But It Definitely Doesn’t Help)

Let’s be honest, zombie systems are more than just a financial drain; they’re a security and maintenance nightmare. They leave gaping vulnerabilities in your defenses, exposing you to potential breaches and failures just like a decaying fortress attracts hordes of the undead. Here’s some more data to fuel the fire: a recent Verizon report found that a staggering 80% of breaches involve vulnerabilities that are at least a year old. That’s like leaving the gates wide open for attackers!

Slay the Undead with Modern Weaponry (SaaS to the Rescue!)

So, how do you vanquish these undead monsters and reclaim your IT budget? The answer lies in embracing the innovative power of modern SaaS offerings. Think of them as silver bullets for your IT arsenal. These solutions often provide similar or better functionality than their outdated counterparts, but at a fraction of the cost. Plus, they boast superior scalability and reliability, keeping your systems running smoothly and securely.

But Wait, There’s More! A Holistic Approach is Key

Just switching to shiny new tools isn’t enough to slay the zombie horde forever. You need a well-rounded and proactive approach to technology management. This means constantly monitoring and evaluating your application portfolio, acting like a vigilant watchtower scout, looking for opportunities to optimize it by eliminating redundancies and gaps. Think of it as plugging the holes in your IT castle walls.

The Debt Quadrant from Martin Fowler: How Debt Accrues

Don’t Forget the Technical Debt Monster Lurking in the Shadows

Technical debt, that ever-growing pile of code shortcuts and kludges, is another monster lurking in the shadows. According to a recent 2024 CodinGame survey, a whopping 71% of developers consider technical debt a major concern, and a scary 61% believe it’s a major obstacle to innovation. Imagine a horde of tangled wires and buggy code slowing down your entire IT operation!

The Final Slaying Blow: Your Three-Step IT Transformation Plan

Here’s your arsenal to vanquish the monsters and achieve IT nirvana:

  1. Embrace modern SaaS offerings: Slash costs and boost scalability with these innovative solutions.
  2. Take a proactive approach to technology management: Constantly evaluate and optimize your application portfolio to eliminate weaknesses.
  3. Identify and tackle technical debt: Free your developers to innovate by slaying the technical debt monster.

The Tactics of the Plan

Step 1: Identify and Isolate the Zombies

Those legacy systems, cobbled together with duct tape and prayers, are not just a nuisance — they’re a ticking time bomb, waiting to disrupt your business and drain your resources. It’s time to shine a light on these zombies and quarantine them from the rest of your IT ecosystem.

  • Conduct a thorough system audit, using tools like dependency analysis and value stream mapping to identify the most critical areas of technical debt.
  • Create a “zombie system” inventory, complete with a “most-wanted” list of the top offenders.
  • Establish a “zombie containment” team to isolate and stabilize these systems, buying you time to develop a more permanent solution.

Step 2: Refactor and Replatform

Now that you’ve contained the zombies, it’s time to refactor and replatform your way to a more modern, flexible, and scalable architecture.

  • Apply the Strangler Pattern to gradually replace legacy systems with new, cloud-native alternatives.
  • Leverage microservices and APIs to break down monolithic architectures and enable greater agility.
  • Implement a continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) pipeline to ensure rapid, reliable, and repeatable deployments.

Step 3: Innovate and Iterate

With your IT foundation solidly in place, it’s time to unleash your inner innovator and create a culture of continuous improvement.

  • Establish a cross-functional innovation team to explore emerging technologies and identify opportunities for business differentiation.
  • Implement a feedback loop, using data and customer insights to inform product roadmaps and drive iterative development.
  • Foster a culture of experimentation, encouraging teams to take calculated risks and learn from failures.

The Payoff: Millions in Savings, Productivity, and InnovationBy following this three-step plan, you’ll not only save millions in IT budgets but also:

  • Improve productivity by up to 30% through automation and process streamlining.
  • Reduce time-to-market by up to 50% with agile development and CI/CD pipelines.
  • Create a more agile and innovative organization, better equipped to adapt to changing market conditions and customer expectations.

Take control of your IT landscape — and save millions in IT budgets, improve productivity, and create a more agile and innovative organization that can adapt to changing market conditions and customer expectations. Time to take care of these zombie systems and technical debt for good!

Let’s keep the conversation going! Share your thoughts and battle cries against zombie systems and technical debt in the comments!



Mohammed Brückner

Author of "IT is not magic, it's architecture", "The DALL-E Cookbook For Great AI Art: For Artists. For Enthusiasts."- Visit