Mohammed Brückner
Published in
2 min readJun 16, 2024


Tyler Durden, the infamous anti-hero from Fight Club, would be proud of the hypocrisy and ignorance surrounding the use of generative AI at work. A recent report reveals that a staggering 75% of knowledge workers use AI tools but rarely admit it, choosing instead to keep their AI-assisted productivity a secret. This phenomenon is not unique to modern times; it is a manifestation of cognitive dissonance that has plagued humanity since ancient civilizations.

In Roman times, the concept of "panem et circenses" (bread and circuses) exemplified how the ruling elite used entertainment and distractions to divert attention from their own misdeeds. Similarly, today's professionals who tout the benefits of AI while secretly relying on it to augment their own abilities are guilty of the same hypocrisy. They proclaim AI as the future, yet they are the first to judge those who openly use it to enhance their work. This duplicity is a stark reminder that even in the age of technological advancements, human nature remains unchanged.

The reluctance to admit AI usage stems from the lack of clear rules, incentives, or onramps within companies. This ambiguity creates an environment where professionals feel compelled to hide their AI-assisted work, fearing judgment or repercussions. It is a classic case of "do as I say, not as I do." The irony is that AI, which is meant to augment human capabilities, has become a tool for professionals to maintain a facade of intellectual superiority.

It is time to break free from this cycle of hypocrisy and ignorance. We must acknowledge that AI is an integral part of our workflow and that its use is not only acceptable but necessary for progress.

So, let us rise above the cognitive dissonance and proclaim, "I'm Smurfy, and I use AI!"



Mohammed Brückner

Author of "IT is not magic, it's architecture", "The DALL-E Cookbook For Great AI Art: For Artists. For Enthusiasts."- Visit