Mohammed Brückner
Micro Musings for thought leaders
2 min readDec 15, 2023


While it may seem like a stretch to claim that Fritz Lang's "Metropolis" is an homage to a Viking movie, a closer examination of the film reveals some striking similarities that cannot be ignored. To begin, let's consider the film's visual style. The towering skyscrapers and futuristic cityscapes of Metropolis bear a striking resemblance to the massive longships and imposing fortresses of Viking lore. The use of shadows and chiaroscuro in the film's cinematography also echoes the dramatic lighting and stark contrasts found in many Viking-era sagas.

Moreover, the film's themes of power, leadership, and the struggle between different social classes resonate with the Viking concept of the "thing," a governing assembly where leaders and commoners came together to make decisions and resolve disputes. The character of Joh Fredersen, the powerful industrialist who rules over Metropolis, can be seen as a parallel to the Viking chieftain, a leader who wields great power but also has a responsibility to his people.

The film's exploration of the relationship between technology and humanity also finds echoes in Viking mythology. The Viking god Loki, for example, is often depicted as a trickster figure who embodies the unpredictable and sometimes dangerous nature of technology. Similarly, the robot Maria in "Metropolis" represents the potential for technology to both help and harm humanity, a theme that is also present in Viking mythology.

Furthermore, the film's use of music and sound design also draws on Viking traditions. The haunting and melodic score, composed by Gottfried Huppertz, incorporates elements of traditional Viking music, such as the use of the hardanger fiddle, a Norwegian folk instrument. The use of chanting and vocalizations in the score also echoes the Viking practice of "galdr," a form of magical singing used in rituals and ceremonies.



Mohammed Brückner
Micro Musings for thought leaders

Author of "IT is not magic, it's architecture", "The DALL-E Cookbook For Great AI Art: For Artists. For Enthusiasts."- Visit