X-ray vision for images

Be Docker Image Conscious

Anne Currie
Microscaling Systems
2 min readJul 28, 2016


We’ve just released a new version of MicroBadger that lets you look deeper at images on DockerHub.

What is MicroBadger?

Want to know more about a DockerHub image? MicroBadger can tell you. Give us the name of any image on DockerHub and we’ll tell you useful stuff like who maintains it, how big it is, what layers it has and when it was built.

New Features

In today’s release you can now see the number of layers a Docker container image is built from and browse the previous versions.

The image layer functionality used to exist in ImageLayers.io from the great guys at CenturyLinkLabs and we loved it, but it currently doesn’t seem to be supported there for newly built Docker images.

Please play around with our new function and let us know what else you’d like to see. Just tweet us @microscaling

Why Label?

First, it’s good to tell people more about your images so they’ll understand how to use them better.

Second, it’s easy to create loads of images then have no way to sort them or remember why you built them. It’s good to have a way to classify and organise images.

In Docker-world you can specify useful extra information (aka metadata) about a container image using Labels.

You can put any arbitrary label you like on an image. However, we’re part of a community project working on a standard label schema: http://label-schema.org, which should make it easier to decide what labels to add and make labels more consistent across all containers.

If You are an Image Owner

Please label your docker images! And get badges on MicroBadger.com that will help people find out more about your image.

Adding labels to Docker images at build time helps folk manage containers. Let’s organise! Tweet this!

If you liked this article, please hit the Recommend button below so that others might be more likely to find it. And if you’re using containers, you should definitely check out MicroBadger to explore image metadata.

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Anne Currie
Microscaling Systems

SciFi author interested in tech, engineering, science, art, SF, economics, psychology, startups. Chaotic evil.