New MicroBadger Image Change Notifications

Anne Currie
Microscaling Systems
2 min readOct 20, 2016

Ever wanted to know when a container image you are building on changes?

MicroBadger have just beta-launched a new feature that helps with keeping images up-to-date and safe: Image Change Notifications.

With change notifications, you’ll get notified by webhook whenever a public image is updated on Docker Hub.

Get the Latest Features, Fixes & Security Patches for Base Images

Container image creators can get alerted when a base image they built on is updated so they can rebuild with the new version. For example, we’re building our images using alpine:3.4 but the actual version of Alpine is 3.4.4 so we want to know when that tag gets updated.

Notifications can ensure your image doesn’t become out-of-date or even insecure when a base image is officially changed to add new features, bugfixes or security patches.

Keep Up-to-Date with Vendor Images

Even if you’re using a vendor image rather than building your own images, notifications are useful — you probably want to know whenever the vendor releases a new version.

Automation Fun With Webhooks

You could use our webhook to call a CI tool and trigger an automated task or you could post an alert to a Slack channel so the team know they need to do something.

Folk overwhelmingly asked for webhooks as the first notification mechanism. We’ll add other mechanisms in future.

It’s in Beta!

The feature is currently in beta, so you can only get notifications on a single image and there may be some bugs! Please be patient and report anything odd :-)

What will it Cost?

We currently plan that you’ll always get notifications on a single public image free but we’ll charge for multiple images at some point in future.

What to do

To get this new MicroBadger feature

  • At the top right of MicroBadger, choose “Sign in with GitHub”.
  • Under “Your Notifications” on the main page, click to create a new notification.
  • Enter the name of the image you want to be notified about and the URL of the webhook you want to receive the notification.

That’s it! Then please tell us about the interesting stuff you use the webhook for!

Check out MicroBadger to explore image metadata, and follow Microscaling Systems on Twitter.



Anne Currie
Microscaling Systems

SciFi author interested in tech, engineering, science, art, SF, economics, psychology, startups. Chaotic evil.