What Are Change Notifications?

Anne Currie
Microscaling Systems
2 min readOct 21, 2016


Get webhook-notified by Microbadger whenever a specified public image is updated on Docker Hub.

  • Get alerted when one of your image’s base images changes, so you can rebuild your image to pick up the newest features and patches.
  • Get notified when a vendor image gets updated.
Notification to Slack Channel

Our MicroBadger change notifications are in super-early beta — and you can only have notifications about one image. Please fill in this form to get early access to multiple Docker public image notifications. Thanks!

Webhooks are Cool

Provide a webhook url and we’ll call it when the image changes. You can quickly try this out by creating a webhook for one of your slack channels.


MicroBadger sends a POST request to your webhook when it detects there is a change to the image. The POST body gives the details of the changes:

"text":"MicroBadger: Docker Hub image org/name has changed",

text — A field called 'text' means these webhooks work with Slack

image_name — Name of the changed image

new_tags — List of tags added to this image

changed_tags — List of tags where the SHA has changed. The SHA given is the new one for this tag.

deleted_tags — List of tags that have been removed from this image

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Anne Currie
Microscaling Systems

SciFi author interested in tech, engineering, science, art, SF, economics, psychology, startups. Chaotic evil.