Hazelcast Messaging

Anil Kurmi
Microservices Architecture
7 min readApr 8, 2023

What is Hazelcast Messaging

Hazelcast messaging provides several features that make it useful for building distributed systems, including high performance, scalability, fault tolerance, and security. Hazelcast messaging can be integrated with other systems and platforms, including Spring, JMS, and Apache Camel, which makes it easy to use in a variety of contexts. Additionally, Hazelcast provides tools for monitoring and managing the messaging system, which can help to ensure that the system is running smoothly and performing as expected.

Features that make it useful for building distributed systems, including high performance, scalability, fault tolerance, and security.

Building microservices architecture: Hazelcast messaging provides a lightweight and scalable messaging system that can be used to enable communication between microservices. By using a publish-subscribe model, Hazelcast messaging can be used to broadcast messages to multiple microservices or to specific microservices that are interested in a particular event. This can help to decouple microservices and enable them to communicate in a more flexible and reliable way.

Building distributed architecture: Hazelcast messaging provides a distributed messaging system that can be used to enable communication between nodes in a cluster. By using a distributed in-memory data grid, Hazelcast messaging can provide high-speed, low-latency messaging that is fault-tolerant and scalable. This can be useful for building distributed architectures where nodes need to communicate with each other in a fast and reliable way.

Building event-driven architecture: Hazelcast messaging provides a publish-subscribe model that is well-suited for building event-driven architectures. By using topics and subscriptions, Hazelcast messaging can be used to handle events in a decoupled and asynchronous way. Hazelcast messaging also provides the ability to create custom messaging patterns, which can be useful for handling complex event-driven scenarios. Additionally, Hazelcast’s in-memory data grid can provide fast access to event data, making it a good choice for real-time event processing.

Here is an example of Hazelcast Messaging

public class Trader {
private HazelcastInstance hazelcast;
private ITopic<TradeMessage> tradeTopic;

public Trader() {
hazelcast = Hazelcast.newHazelcastInstance();
tradeTopic = hazelcast.getTopic("trades");

public void trade(String symbol, int quantity, double price) {
TradeMessage trade = new TradeMessage(symbol, quantity, price);

public class TradeListener implements MessageListener<TradeMessage> {
private HazelcastInstance hazelcast;
private ITopic<TradeMessage> tradeTopic;

public TradeListener() {
hazelcast = Hazelcast.newHazelcastInstance();
tradeTopic = hazelcast.getTopic("trades");

public void onMessage(Message<TradeMessage> message) {
TradeMessage trade = message.getMessageObject();
System.out.println("New trade: " + trade.getSymbol() + " " + trade.getQuantity() + " @ " + trade.getPrice());

Kafka vs Hazelcast

Hazelcast and Apache Kafka are popular messaging systems used for building event-driven architectures and streaming applications. However, they have some differences in terms of their architecture, features, and use cases.

Architecture: Hazelcast’s messaging system is based on a distributed in-memory data grid, where messages are stored in memory across a cluster of nodes. Hazelcast provides a publish-subscribe mechanism for its messaging system, where publishers can publish messages to a specific topic, and subscribers can receive messages from that topic. On the other hand, Kafka is based on a distributed log architecture, where messages are stored in a distributed log across a cluster of brokers. Kafka provides a publish-subscribe mechanism and a point-to-point messaging mechanism, where messages can be delivered to a specific consumer.

Features: Hazelcast’s messaging system provides features such as message replication, backup nodes, and automatic failover to ensure high availability and fault tolerance. It also provides security features such as SSL/TLS encryption and authentication. Kafka provides features such as high-throughput, low-latency messaging, fault tolerance, and scalability. It also provides features such as stream processing, real-time analytics, and support for various protocols and APIs.

Use Cases: Hazelcast’s messaging system is well-suited for use cases where low-latency messaging and in-memory data processing are important. It can be used for building event-driven architectures, real-time analytics, and distributed caching. Kafka is well-suited for use cases where high-throughput, fault tolerance, and scalability are important. It can be used for building streaming applications, real-time data processing, and distributed messaging systems.

Overall, both Hazelcast and Kafka are powerful messaging systems that offer different features and capabilities. Hazelcast’s messaging system is focused on low-latency messaging and in-memory data processing, while Kafka is focused on high-throughput messaging and stream processing. The choice between the two depends on the specific requirements of the application and the use case.

Hazelcast vs RabbitMQ

Hazelcast messaging and RabbitMQ are both messaging systems, but they differ in several ways. Here’s a comparison between Hazelcast messaging and RabbitMQ:

  1. Messaging Model: Hazelcast messaging uses a publish-subscribe model, where messages are sent to a topic and any nodes that have subscribed to that topic receive the message. RabbitMQ uses a message queue model, where messages are placed in a queue and consumers read messages from the queue.
  2. Architecture: Hazelcast messaging is built on top of an in-memory data grid and provides a distributed messaging system. RabbitMQ is built on top of an Erlang runtime and provides a standalone message broker that can be deployed on a server.
  3. Performance: Hazelcast messaging is designed for high performance and low-latency communication between nodes in a distributed system. RabbitMQ is designed for reliable message delivery and supports various messaging protocols.
  4. Scalability: Hazelcast messaging is designed to scale horizontally by adding more nodes to the cluster. RabbitMQ is also designed to scale horizontally, but this requires setting up a cluster of RabbitMQ brokers.
  5. Fault Tolerance: Hazelcast messaging provides fault tolerance features such as message replication, backup nodes, and automatic failover. RabbitMQ provides features such as message acknowledgements and persistent storage to ensure reliable message delivery.
  6. Integration: Hazelcast messaging can be integrated with other systems and platforms, including Spring, JMS, and Apache Camel. RabbitMQ also supports integration with various platforms and languages.

Overall, Hazelcast messaging is best suited for real-time, high-performance, and fault-tolerant messaging systems that require low-latency communication between nodes. RabbitMQ, on the other hand, is best suited for reliable message delivery and supports various messaging protocols.

Benefits of Using Hazelcast Messaging

Hazelcast’s topic system provides a publish-subscribe mechanism, where publishers can publish messages to a specific topic, and subscribers can receive messages from that topic. Hazelcast’s queue system provides a point-to-point messaging mechanism, where messages are delivered to a specific consumer.

Here are some benefits of using Hazelcast for messaging:

  1. Scalability: Hazelcast’s messaging system can scale horizontally by adding more nodes to the cluster. This allows the system to handle a large number of messages and ensures that the messaging system is highly available and fault-tolerant.
  2. Performance: Hazelcast’s in-memory data grid provides fast access to messages, which can be important in high-volume messaging scenarios.
  3. Ease of use: Hazelcast’s messaging system is easy to use and requires minimal configuration. Developers can use Hazelcast’s Java API to send and receive messages, which makes it easy to integrate with existing Java applications.
  4. Security: Hazelcast provides security features such as SSL/TLS encryption, authentication, and authorization, which can ensure that messages are sent and received securely.
  5. Compatibility: Hazelcast’s messaging system is compatible with various messaging protocols, such as JMS, STOMP, and MQTT. This allows developers to use Hazelcast with a wide range of messaging clients and servers.
  6. Integration: Hazelcast messaging can be easily integrated with other systems and platforms, including Spring, JMS, and Apache Camel.

Overall, Hazelcast’s messaging system provides a powerful and flexible mechanism for building event-driven applications and messaging systems. Its scalability, performance, ease of use, security, and compatibility make it a popular choice for building distributed messaging systems.

Traffoffs of Hazelcast Messaging

While Hazelcast’s messaging system offers many benefits, there are also some drawbacks that should be considered. Here are some potential drawbacks of Hazelcast messaging:

  1. Fault tolerance: While Hazelcast provides fault tolerance features for its messaging system, such as message replication and backup nodes, there is still a risk of data loss if multiple nodes fail at the same time. It’s important to design a fault-tolerant architecture that can handle node failures and data loss scenarios.
  2. Durability: Hazelcast’s messaging system is an in-memory system, which means that messages are stored in memory and may be lost if a node fails. To ensure message durability, Hazelcast provides options for persisting messages to disk, but this can add additional complexity and performance overhead.
  3. Failure handling: When a node fails, the messaging system needs to handle the failure gracefully to ensure that messages are not lost or duplicated. Hazelcast provides features such as backup nodes and automatic failover, but it’s important to design the system to handle failure scenarios.
  4. Complexity: Hazelcast’s messaging system can add complexity to the architecture, especially when integrating with existing messaging systems or clients. Developers need to understand the messaging system’s API, configuration options, and performance characteristics to ensure that it works effectively.
  5. Latency: Hazelcast’s messaging system is an in-memory system, which means that it may introduce additional latency compared to disk-based messaging systems. This may not be a significant issue for low-latency messaging scenarios, but it’s important to consider the impact on overall system performance.

Overall, while Hazelcast’s messaging system offers many benefits, it’s important to consider the potential drawbacks and design the system appropriately to ensure that it meets the requirements for fault tolerance, durability, and failure handling.

