How to design microservices-based enterprise platforms using NATS messaging

Chanaka Fernando
Microservices Learning
2 min readOct 14, 2021


Let’s build real-world enterprise platforms with microservices


Most of the developers and architects who work in the enterprise domain have to deal with the reality of brown-field enterprise platforms that has many distinct applications, services, and data sources. These enterprise platforms become more and more complicated with time no matter what architectural magic we try to implement. A few recent examples are Containers, Kubernetes, Service Mesh, Cloud computing which people initially thought would reduce the complexity and make the life of IT personnel easier. What actually happened was the other way around where enterprise platforms become more and more complex and difficult to manage. That is the reality and we should understand it and embrace it if we need to make full use of the benefits offered by these new developments.

Microservices, NATS, and Integration Platforms

Microservices architecture helps to build scalable, available applications for organizations of different sizes. It allows business leaders to release new applications and features quickly while allowing the operations teams to manage and maintain the application with improved availability. Microservices architecture is a great way of building new applications and modernizing existing legacy applications. NATS is a messaging technology that is used to enable different parts of an application or different applications to communicate with each other in a fast, reliable manner without worrying about the existence of each other (decoupled). Integration Platform is the core component in an enterprise platform that connects heterogeneous systems and allows organizations to build consumable applications and services.

The slide deck given in the below link discusses the process of building a modern enterprise platform with microservices, NATS, and integration platforms.

You can find more details on the content described in this slide deck by reading the book which I authored clarifying this idea with practical examples written in the Go programming language.

Figure: Cover page of the book “Designing Microservices Platforms with NATS”

The book can be purchased from the following link.

If you have any clarifications on the slides or the content in the book, feel free to comment, review and reach out to me. I’m more than happy to discuss this with you and help to clarify your questions.



Chanaka Fernando
Microservices Learning

Writes about Microservices, APIs, and Integration. Author of “Designing Microservices Platforms with NATS” and "Solution Architecture Patterns for Enterprise"