One Challenge: Buying a Windows Phone

How difficult can it be here in Australia? Very, and this is, perhaps, one of the device’s biggest issues.

Microsoft 2.0


Announcing Windows 10 Microsoft stated: “Windows 10 unlocks new experiences for customers to work, play and connect”. I only hope that they will consider the full journey here, because the experience begins before a customer has a product in hand.

This piece is fuelled by frustration. My Lumia 620 died, which is fine as it’s an old device — RIP, buddy. But I get the feeling that Microsoft aren’t working that hard to retain me as a customer.

A happy one too. I absolutely love Windows Phone 8.1. I think it’s a very well thought out, designed and executed system. I want a new Windows Phone to complement my Windows deskop and Windows tablet. My productivity tech team.

So what are my options here in Australia?

Bearing in mind that a) I can only get a Windows Phone via one of two major carriers, Optus and Vodafone, b) I’m not going to buy a product I can’t try and c) I really, really, really want my phone to have some colour.

  • Option 1: Vodafone — They only offer the black version of the Lumia 930. They sell the Lumia 735 too, but I can’t demo it. The sales lady even told me that they are both pretty much the same kind of phone. Gosh.
  • Otion 2: Optus — They only offer the black version of the Lumia 930. No Lumia 735.

The Lumia 830, which is probably the right phone for me, is only available online. I don’t think it has officially launched in Australia. Both Optus and Vodafone can’t tell me if they will ever get it. Vodafone said that they will probably not.

I’ve checked other stores to see if they had a Lumia 735 to play with. No luck with this apporach either.

During this whole process, the beginning of my journey as a (repeat) Microsoft customer, one product has always found itself in front of me, bright, shiny available to play with: the iPhone.

Bonus points if you can spot the Windows Phone and double bonus points if you can name the model (a hint: it’s an old, old one).

No doubt the carriers are not helping much with thier sales teams pushing other platforms. They may have incentives to favour them. But what are Microsoft doing to make the Windows Phone experience great at the very start of the customer journey?

This would help, I think:

  • When thinking about the user experience don’t limit your efforts to the interface. The experience starts when someone is thinking about buying a smartphone, whether searching online or walking in a shop. You’ve covered the former well, now fix the latter.
  • So feature dedicated Windows Phone stands just like Apple do. Better than Apple do. Catch people’s attention, explain the benefits and let them try the phones.
  • Extend the idea above to inlude other devices running Windows 8.1 to showcase how a Windows Phone complements them. “One product family, One platform, One store”, remember?
  • If you can’t execute the above how about offering free trials by snail mail? I’d be more than happy to put a deposit down and pay for delivery charges to test a Lumia 830.
  • And please, please make ALL your products, and ALL product versions available across ALL major carriers. Exclusivity works great for those who can access it, but is a big downer for those who can’t. The world has moved on from this kind of way of doing business.

About the last point, I just can’t get over the fact that I can’t get an orange Lumia 930. To the point, dear Microsoft, that I question your dedication to our relationship.

It appears that orange is an exclusive colour to some other carrier or retailer. This, really, I don’t understand — you go to great lengths to differentiate yourself from the competetion, promote your awesome colour range, and then don’t give me the option to choose an awesome colour?

Look at it. Isn’t it just gorgeous?

This has become a bit of a mission now. I’m trying to convince both Optus and Nokia Australia on Twitter to get me an orange Lumia. Perhaps by bending the rules a bit, to ‘act outside the box’. Please,#IwantanorangeLumia930.

Epilogue (as of 29 October 2014)

  • I ended up getting one on Telstra. Repeated Twitter attempts to try and get Vodafone / Optus / Nokia Australia to bend the rules failed.
  • An orange Lumia 930 is truly beautiful ☺

