My Cyber Why — Episode 11: Chan Young Koh, Graduate Student at Bridgewater State University

Diana Kelley
Microsoft Cybersecurity
2 min readNov 14, 2019
Photo of the DMF (Dana Mohler-Faria) science building at Bridgewater State University. Photo taken by: Minji Lee

Welcome to episode 11 of “My Cyber Why”! — a glimpse into the life and work of experts from around the world who have dedicated themselves to protecting cyberspace. We’re bonusing this one because it’s a great discussion but we had a few issues with the video.

There’s no shortage of scary headlines about the latest hacks and malware releases. But what doesn’t make the headlines are the inspiring stories of the people who work every day to make the cyber world a safer place. These are their stories and cybersecurity is their passion.

In each episode guests answer four questions:

1. Who are you?

2. What do you do in cyber?

3. Why do you do it?

4. How can people get involved or learn more?

Today’s guest is Chan Young Koh, test proctor and recent Computer Science graduate at Bridgewater State University. This Fall Chan started a graduate program concentrating on generating intuitive cybersecurity research at Bridgewater. While completing his undergraduate degree, Chan conducted the research project Analyzing and Estimating Cyberattack Trend by Performing Data Mining on Cybersecurity Data Set, and presented his work in NCUR (National Conference on Undergraduate Research) and MassURC (Massachusetts Undergraduate Research Conference) in Spring 2019

Check out what the next generation of cybersecurity experts is focusing on in the video below!

Video interview with Chan


[:56] Welcome Chan
[1:28] Culture shock and Boston accents
[3:15] Why come to the US to study?
[4:02] Bridgewater: the teacher’s school
[6:20] The creative side of computer science
[7:50] Goal: spread awareness of cybersecurity
[10:20] Spontaneity of computer science
[11:49] Chan’s Cyber Why: A passion for teaching
[13:20] Being inspired and inspiring others
[15:42] How getting hacked helped spark his interest
[20:15] Society’s dependence on interconnectivity
[21:10] Tremendous utility and tremendous prudence

Thanks for listening!

Want to get involved? Do you or someone you know have a fantastic Cyber Why? Reach out to me on LinkedIn or Twitter



Diana Kelley
Microsoft Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity Field CTO at Microsoft. Reader, runner, dog and cat lover.