Azure Databricks Talk @ the Microsoft Data Platform Community Hamburg

Sascha Lorenz
Microsoft Data Platform Community Hamburg
2 min readSep 25, 2022
Photo by Stephen Wheeler on Unsplash

A few weeks earlier, we conducted some polls in our community to give our members the opportunity to help shape the future of their tech community. Among other things, we asked which technology would most likely be of interest in the Microsoft data world.

The outcome was surprising!

A clear majority voted in favor of the Databricks Technology Platform! One of the leading Data Lakehouse technologies out there in the cloud world.

So, we are now fulfilling this wish with our first on-site meeting in 2022. On 20.10.2022 we will be guests at the new Microsoft Office Hamburg. And one topic of the evening will be Azure Databricks.

What we are particularly pleased about is that we will have a speaker with practical experience as a guest:

Ken Knütel (, a Senior Associate within the data science and machine learning guild at Bain & Company.

Ken will teach us about some of the machine learning features of Databricks using a very interesting dataset (UFO sightings, that’s thrilling) and also demonstrate live.

And, we’re still working on maybe talking more about Databricks that evening. Stay tuned! ;)

If you or your colleagues are interested in Azure Databricks, please sign up now! And see you in Hamburg on 20.10.2022.



Sascha Lorenz
Microsoft Data Platform Community Hamburg

Database Nerd & Rescuer, Architect & Trainer, sometimes Consultant, Machine Learning Fan, Gopher, GDG Hamburg Co-Org, Co-Owner of