4 Pieces of Creative Advice (After Trying Paint 3D)

From Jon Burgerman, Syd Weiler, Dan Matutina and Strwb

Joanna Ngai
Microsoft Design
2 min readJun 6, 2017


Credit: Remix 3D

Paint 3D is a new 2D/3D creative program from Microsoft’s Windows 10 Creator’s Update.

Two weeks ago, four creators from around the world stopped by the Microsoft Garage to try out Paint 3D, and share thoughts on their craft alongside some creative advice:

1. Start with curiosity

When asked why they create/share their art — the creators pointed out the importance of starting out from a position of curiosity. Whether you are intrigued by your environment or experiences in everyday life, starting out through curiosity can lead to interesting outcomes through exploration.

Dan shared that he enjoyed exploration of basic shapes and that the constraints of using basic shapes lead to a variety of outcomes in his illustration work.

2. Embrace exploration

Exploration of new technology (such as Paint 3D) can lead to growth as an artist/designer/creative/etc. Instead of viewing mistakes as something to be fixed, it can be accepted as part of the process of exploration.

The unexplored terrain of a new program can lead to discovery as opposed to using what you are comfortable with (though the quality of the outcome may be higher and more reliable when you stick with what you know).

Credit: Remix Workshop

3. Show your work

Don’t let the haters get you down. Sharing your work in a community setting allows the opportunity to “test” your work in front of an audience and gain valuable feedback. Paint 3D allows you to share your work with the Remix 3D community!

4. Don’t let expensive software become a barrier for creation

For example, Paint 3D can serve as a low barrier, straightforward and accessible way to start playing around with 3D elements/textures, for beginners and professionals alike.

Credit: Remix 3D

Have fun exploring this new 3D creation tool!

Syd Weiler, Dan Matutina, and STRWB

Get 3D Paint
About Microsoft Garage
Check out 3D Remix

Thanks for reading! Feel free to check out my design work or my new handbook on UX design, now available on Amazon.

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