How Mixed Reality is Transforming Learning

Mixed Reality is increasingly being used to teach the creative and collaborative skills needed for the digital age.

Alice Bonasio
Microsoft Design


As all major tech giants converge in London this week for BETT UK — arguably the biggest event in the EdTech calendar — many companies like Microsoft are keen to showcase how immersive technologies can be powerful aids to learning.

“Technology has the power to unlock limitless learning, and lesson plans that encourage hands-on and visual learning drive deeper engagement from students,” says Yusuf Mehdi, Corporate Vice President at Microsoft. Studies show improved test performance and passion for learning among students who experience 3D content, girls in particular.

Microsoft BETT UK EdTech Tech Trends Mixed Reality HoloLens LEGO Minecraft BBC NASA

One tool which has proved extremely successful in doing so has been Minecraft: Education Edition, which is used in classrooms in more than 115 countries. This spring, a free Chemistry Update will enable teachers to use Minecraft to engage students of all ages in chemistry through hands-on experimentation. Students will be able to leverage the game-based learning with which pupils are already familiar…



Alice Bonasio
Microsoft Design

Technology writer for FastCo, Quartz, The Next Web, Ars Technica, Wired + more. Consultant specializing in VR #MixedReality and Strategic Communications