What Does It Take to Run the Business of User Research?

We’re exploring this and more with researchers at the Seattle #WhatisResearchOps workshop!

Sheetal Agarwal
Microsoft Design
2 min readJun 22, 2018


Photo by Jessica Sysengrath on Unsplash

Researchers around the world are asking, “What does it take to run the business of research?” So much so, that a Research Operations (ResOps) community 500+ members strong is now thriving on Slack. The community’s swift growth led to hosting a series of global workshops focused on all things ResOps.

On June 28, I will partner with Melissa Braxton of Blink UX to co-facilitate the Seattle Global ResOps workshop, hosted at Blink UX’s Seattle office. Microsoft Research + Insight Partner Director of Research Joe Munko and Principal Research Manager Matt Duignan will also participate in a post-workshop panel.

The goal of the workshop is to help us collectively explore what we mean when we say “ResOps,” share knowledge and stories about how we’re conducting ResOps today, express what we need and want from the ResOps community, and get to know each other better in person. The workshop will be the main event, and findings from the Seattle discussion will be shared with global leaders who will then report on what they learned from workshops across the world.

In addition to the workshop, there will be a panel discussion featuring Blink UX Head of Research John Dirks along with Munko and Duignan. The panelists will provide tales from the trenches as they share with us their journey in building research operations within the tech industry. They’ll share tips for newcomers and veterans of the ResOps community and reflect on lessons learned.

The event takes place on Thursday, June 28, from 1 to 5 p.m. at Blink UX’s office in Seattle. There are a limited number of seats, so register today!

We can’t wait to see you there! Regardless of whether you can attend in person, join the discussion using #WhatisResearchOps or follow us on Twitter.



Sheetal Agarwal
Microsoft Design

Sr. Design Researcher, Microsoft Research + Insight; Enabling Customer Informed Decisions. Views are my own