apply carefully — Kotlin Java Interoperability

Subodh Nijsure
Microsoft Mobile Engineering
2 min readMay 19, 2021

Recently at Yammer, we discovered an issue with Kotlin’s apply scope function and Kotlin compiler’s inability to warn of self-assignment, when the receiver is a Java class.

Kotlin standard library contains several scoping functions that take a receiver argument and a block of code, and then execute the provided block of code within the context of that object.

What’s different is how this object becomes available inside the block and what is the result of the whole expression. Scope functions can make your code more concise and readable, but some subtle pitfalls await.

Consider a scenario, where you have a Java class, that represents an Attachment. Perhaps this is DAO class that is eventually saved to the database.

Assume that certain API returns an ImageFile that contains properties that can be represented by the following data class.

Now we wish to convert this ImageFile to Attachment. One could write an extension method that uses apply like this.

If you run the above code you will notice that Kotlin compiler/IDE is not able to warn you about self-assignment. ImageFile.toAttachment extension method will always create an Attachment object where updateTime is set at 1970/1/1.

Should the Kotlin compiler be able to detect self-assignment to updateTime? As of Kotlin 1.5.0, the IDE doesn’t generate this warning. We reported this issue to the JetBrains team, and it is tracked here.

If one creates a Kotlin data class, KotlinAttachment, and an extension method for ImageFile, that returns KotlinAttachment as shown below. The IDE will correctly generate a self-assignment warning.

If you find yourself in a similar situation where a receiver is a Java object, to be safe, prefer to use the Kotlin scope function also.

Thanks to my colleague Daniel Robertson, for suggesting a fix for the toAttachment extension method.

Now we can correctly update properties for the receiver, by explicitly referring to the object as it.

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