Open Source at Microsoft Mobile

Yashovardhan Dhanania
Microsoft Mobile Engineering
3 min readMar 7, 2022

At Microsoft, we use and build a lot of different open-source software. With this list, we will be sharing some of the OSS we use and love across different mobile teams at Microsoft.

Source: Open at Microsoft (@OpenAtMicrosoft) / Twitter

Adaptive Cards

Adaptive Cards are a new way for developers to exchange card content in a common and consistent way.

Corned Beef

CornedBeef is an Android library for displaying instructional overlays or ‘coach marks’ that float above the current window.


Snippet is an extensible Android library to measure execution times of the code sections in a way that does not compromise with the readability and can be shipped to production without any additional setup.

Fluent UI for Android

Fluent UI for Android is a native library that provides the Office UI experience for the Android platform

Android App size difference

Android App size difference is a tool for measuring Android app size in your CI. Read more at Measuring Android app size in CI | Microsoft Mobile Engineering (

Fluent UI Apple

Fluent UI Apple contains native UIKit and AppKit controls aligned with Microsoft’s Fluent UI design system

Fluent UI System Icons

Fluent UI System Icons are a collection of familiar, friendly and modern icons from Microsoft. These are available for Android, iOS, macOS and Flutter.

Surface Duo SDK

Surface Duo SDK is a set of libraries that help you to build dual screen and foldable experiences for Microsoft Surface Duo and other foldable devices.


Xamarin.Forms provides a way to quickly build native apps for iOS, Android, Windows and macOS, completely in C#.

We have also written a few articles about using and building open-source software, such as Mixing static and dynamic linking in CocoaPods. You can find more such articles on our medium page below.

Open Source — Microsoft Mobile Engineering — Medium

We plan to expand this list to include more such open-source software that we all love. We look forward to you trying these out and contributing with your ideas and code!

