The technology toolkit guide to remote working

Definity First
Microsoft Modern Workplace
4 min readMay 14, 2020

I have to admit that my new ‘remote working’ lifestyle isn’t too bad as I imagined when I started working at Definity First.

I’m really sure that so many people that read this will relate a lot because working from home requires a lot of focus, discipline, responsibility, and of course, a comfortable place to make productivity happen.

In fact, connecting with my immediate team hasn’t been a challenge since we collaborate and meet virtually through Microsoft Teams. Additionally, sharing files and documents is possible with the help of OneDrive and SharePoint. These tools can be easily integrated and allows secure access.

Recent innovations and the modern workplace boom have aided and fueled the remote workforce. In fact, FlexJobs has reported that remote work has been increasing over the decade. Today, 3.4% of the U.S. population (or 4.7 million) work remotely.

As an employee who’s now working from home in a daily basis due to COVID-19, I need to have the tools to deliver my tasks and stay communicated with my team.

With this being said, it’s critical to empower employees to work productively. However, companies need to must understand how to utilize and leverage each tool for optimal performance without neglecting the social needs of employees and remote teams.

The toolkit guide that enables remote working

The challenge with technology today is understanding how to utilize and leverage each tool so that employee and remote teams keep engaged, productive and efficient, even if they’re collaborating through their mobiles or providing feedback on different time zones.

Likewise, the impact of COVID-19 has transformed the way companies are managing their employees and departments, evolving into a fully digital virtual office where work, meetings and feedback is happening.

These are some of the types of tools that are enabling me to get my tasks done and collaborate with my team without losing my focus.

Virtual meetings

A virtual meeting is such a fantastic way to collaborate, brainstorming, and discuss about important projects during these pandemic times in which we need to meet though a camera.

Microsoft Teams allow us to call a person and see him/her right on a computer screen or mobile device, allowing each person to share their screen and leave comments on each conversational tab.

When to schedule or use a virtual meeting

It’s much easier to meet virtually than drafting a long email providing feedback/comments.

A virtual meeting will trigger an immediate stronger connection, considering the fact that humans have the innate ability to pick up and process facial expressions and body language immediately, so it helps understand the situations without underlying assumptions like you would have in an email or a message.

Instant messaging apps

Instant messaging in the modern workplace era is solving huge communication problems, and remote teams are enjoying the benefits of receiving immediate responses, short conversations and team collaboration.

Instant messaging tools like Microsoft Teams are a great way to get immediate feedback and positive responses without having to schedule a meeting, accept the invitation, and turn on our video cameras.

When to use an instant messaging app

Use an instant messaging app like Microsoft Teams to leave a message or give immediate answers to managers of team members. However, consider that an instant messaging tool (or app) is not effective for longer, more complex conversations or if there are more than 2 people involved.

Productivity suites

These suites typically include programs such as a word processor, email service, and other productivity tools. Office 365 is the perfect example of an easily integrated productivity suite in any technology toolkit guide to remote working.

Therefore, productivity suites enable remote teams to collaborate seamlessly and share specific information specific to the application used. On the contrary, productivity suites are generally excellent for collaboration across departments, but they do not address a company’s need for an internal communication platform.

When to use a productivity suite

Productivity suites enable real-time collaboration, drafting and reviewing documents, centralizing employee apps. For example, they increase work visibility and improve productivity between employees and remote teams.

As a result, productivity tools are great at enabling employees to collaborate in real-time, without the need to meet in-person, or dial into a conference call. Generally, when employees use their productivity suite, they already have enough information to begin reviewing documents, such as documentation and due to the fact that all this information is centralized, it’s easier for them to collaborate faster and efficiently without distractions.

Assembling your technology toolkit to work from home in an efficient way

By now, most organizations have a technology stack or a digital workplace for employees to work remotely from home due to COVID-19.

I believe that these types of tools are not only critical for remote teams, they are also critical to unleash the real power of the concept of modern workplace in companies globally.

It’s time to enable your workforce to work productively and streamline your communication efforts across your company/organization, because without these tools, you’ll notice a huge gap in your communication infrastructure that will result in a disconnection and sense of loneliness in all your employees that are now working remotely due to the recommended social distancing lifestyle.

Are you ready to align, connect, and engage your remote workforce with all the tools (virtual meetings, instant messaging apps and productivity suites) they need to be productive?

Drop us a line at and we’ll assess you with the technology toolkit you need to make work efficient and productive.



Definity First
Microsoft Modern Workplace

Helping companies for transforming their businesses to adapt the digital-first era. We are global, diverse and inspired by the newest technology innovations.