My slides from Tuga IT

Rick Van Rousselt
Microsoft Office 365 and Azure
2 min readMay 29, 2017

Last week Tuga IT was held in the beautiful city of Lisbon. This conference is unique because it combines several different technologies into one event. If your into SQL, SharePoint, Office 365, Azure, PowerShell, Windows development then this is a conference for you. And I am sure that I am forgetting something. The good thing about this is that if during the conference you get a little bit tired of listening about the same topic that you work with day in and day out. That you can sit in another totally different session and see how that technology is evolving.

During Tuga IT I presented 2 sessions. One about the Azure Container Service and another one about the Microsoft Cognitive Services and in particular about the Language Understanding Intelligent Service (or for short. Below you can find my session slides and of course the demo’s I did are on GitHub. I’ve also include some pics from the conference itself.

My session slides from Tuga IT 2017 Portugal from Rick Van Rousselt

My session from Tuga IT 2017 on the Azure Container Service from Rick Van Rousselt

Originally published at Rick’s Blog.

