One Crazy Conference week

Rick Van Rousselt
Microsoft Office 365 and Azure
4 min readNov 23, 2016

My slides and experiences from DEVintersection, European SharePoint Conference and unityConnect

Last week I got the chance to present 5 sessions in 4 days in 3 different conferences. You can find the slides of each presentation of a conference at the bottom of this post.

DEVintersection Europe

First of in my crazy week was DEVintersection Europe. This was the second time this conference was organized. This developer oriented conference was held in Haarlem in the Netherlands. This conference is not only for .Net or SharePoint developers but also for the open source community. It actually has 2 names: DEVintersection and AngleBrackets. The speaker line up of this conference was incredible and I got to meet a bunch of cool people like Carl Franklin, Richard Campbell, Dan Wahlin, Michele Leroux Bustamante, Gill Cleeren, Kathleen Dollard, Dave Mendlen, Laurent Bugnion, Marcel de Vries and many more. If you come from a .Net world then some of these names will have to ring a bell.

I got to present 3 sessions:

  • The graph is the glue that holds things together.
  • Extending Office Add-ins with the Azure Container Service
  • Speed up your SharePoint online intranet to Mach 1

It was something new for me to present to an non-SharePoint audience. But I got some great feedback at the end of a session which always good.

Richard even invited me on one of the most famous podcasts out there that he and Franklin co-host called .Net Rocks. Here I got a chance to interact with Dan and Michele about containers, docker and the Azure Container Service. I would like to thank Richard and Franklin for having me on there show. Franklin even has some great music to code by if you have trouble getting into the zone of coding at work because your noisy colleagues.

I didn’t get to stay until the end of the conference because I had a plane to catch to the next one which was the European SharePoint Conference but I surely hope that they organize it again next year.

European SharePoint Conference

This is one of the biggest conferences in Europe and I regret that I could only be part of the last day. Well it’s my own fault for being so bad in planning


. Here I got to do my session on the Azure Container Service. The venue was really big and its always good to see that there is such a big SharePoint community because there where so many people attending. And if I look at the number of sponsors then the eco-system of SharePoint is not getting any smaller. The conference was held in Vienna and the programme team did a great job of getting a great bunch of speakers together. I regret not being able to spend more time with Stefan and Lieven because they are great guys but I am sure we will cross paths again.


Then it was back to Haarlem for the 3th conference of the week. This conference was also packed again with incredible speakers. This week was one of the best weeks of the year if you wanted to learn. unityConnect was held in the same location as DEVintersection and they did a great job organizing. I have never had such good food and drinks at a conference. I did again my session on the Azure Container Service and got into a great conversation afterwards with one of the attendees. It got me thinking again about my demo’s and it’s back to the drawing board. This session has changed so much. Also because Microsoft last week gave ACS an incredible update. Now kubernetes is also available as an orchestrator and they updated DCOS to version 1.8.

When is this blogpost coming to an end?

In the end it was an interesting week and I got to meet cool new people. And got a chance to reconnect with old friends and former colleagues. I hope next year that they plan the conferences not in the same week anymore but I understand that organizing such events is not easy and planning must be done months in advance. Here are the slides of my sessions and some pictures.


Originally published at Rick’s Blog.

