Data Storytelling 101: Choosing the Right Visual to Tell Your Data Story

This article delves into the correct use of charts and the considerations for choosing the most suitable visual.

Iwa Sanjaya
Microsoft Power BI
6 min readMay 7, 2024


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While working with datasets, a vast array of charts can be used to visualize your findings. However, how do you ensure the chosen charts effectively communicate your insights to stakeholders? Providing context is important, but selecting the right visual is equally essential for your audience to grasp the intended message clearly.

Understanding Chart Types: A Foundation for Effective Visualization

To effectively utilize charts for data visualization, a clear understanding of their functions is crucial. Therefore, let’s delve into the proper use of basic charts. Analyst Academy offers a helpful cheat sheet to guide you in selecting the most suitable chart for your data visualization needs.

Choosing the Right Chart by Analyst Academy

For another helpful resource, consider checking out Google’s guide on selecting the right chart for data visualization.

How to Choose a Data Visualization by Google — Page 1
How to Choose a Data Visualization by Google — Page 2
How to Choose a Data Visualization by Google — Page 3
How to Choose a Data Visualization by Google — Page 4
How to Choose a Data Visualization by Google — Page 5
How to Choose a Data Visualization by Google — Page 6

Selecting the Right Visual: Important Things to Consider

After understanding the appropriate use of the visual elements, the next step is to know which one is the most effective to communicate your insights to the audience.

The key lies in the context you provide for your visuals.

Effective visuals are built around the audience’s perspective. Begin by anticipating their potential questions and addressing them directly. Next, pinpoint the key takeaways you want your audience to remember. Emphasize these crucial points visually or through concise text summaries. Prioritize clarity and avoid overwhelming your audience with excessive information.

Let’s dive into the case study!

Case Study 1: Fuel Market Dynamics in Argentina

For this case study, we’ll leverage a dataset from FP20 Analytics Data Challenges 14 focusing on Argentina’s National Fuel Market Analysis. Let’s assume that our stakeholders are interested in understanding how fuel prices in Argentina have changed over time. To effectively address this question, let’s explore the following:

  1. Which visual representation best captures this trend?
  2. What additional context should be included for clear and impactful insights?
Argentina National Fuel Market Analysis Dataset Preview

A line or area chart is the ideal choice to showcase changes in fuel prices over time. This visualization excels at highlighting trends, patterns, and any outliers within the data. It effectively emphasizes both the lowest and highest values, providing valuable context for stakeholders. Additionally, we can incorporate further context to explain the potential causes behind these price fluctuations.

Argentina’s fuel prices exhibit an inverse relationship with the Peso’s exchange rate (ARS/USD). In simpler terms, when the Peso weakens (devalues), domestic fuel prices typically rise. This is because Argentina relies on imported oil, and a weaker Peso means it takes more Pesos to purchase the same amount of oil on the global market.

As a net oil importer, Argentina relies heavily on imported oil to meet its domestic needs. This dependence makes the country susceptible to global oil price fluctuations. Sudden increases in global oil prices translate to higher import costs for Argentina. This can impact the country’s trade balance and potentially lead to increased burdens for consumers and businesses, ultimately affecting the overall economy.

Incorporating these contextual factors, the following visual effectively represents the trends in Argentina’s fuel prices.

Fuel Price Fluctuations and ARS/USD Exchange Rate in Argentina (June 2016 — October 2023)

Case Study 2: The Great American Coffee Taste Test

For the second case study, we’ll leverage a dataset from the Maven Coffee Challenge. In this scenario, we’ll act as consultants for a group of investors seeking to enter the U.S. coffee market. Our task is to help them transform this data into actionable insights that will guide their business decisions.

The Great American Coffee Taste Test Dataset Preview

One of the crucial questions they have before launch is optimal beverage pricing. We need to find a price point that balances customer willingness to pay with the shop’s required profit margin. This will ensure both customer satisfaction and business sustainability.

Businesses employ various strategies to determine pricing. Here are three of the most common (source):

  • Cost-Plus Pricing: This method involves calculating the production cost of a good or service and adding a desired markup percentage to arrive at the final price. For instance, if a widget costs $2.50 to make and a 50% markup is desired, the widget would be priced at $5.00.
  • Competitive Pricing: Unlike cost-plus pricing, this strategy prioritizes competitor analysis. The price is set based on the product’s market position and how it compares to competitors. This often applies to commodities like iron ore or wheat, where market forces heavily dictate pricing.
  • Value-Based Pricing: This strategy, arguably the most challenging to implement, focuses on the customer’s perceived value of a product or service. Businesses estimate what the customer believes something is worth and then set the price accordingly. Business-class airline tickets are a prime example. Airlines price these tickets based on the additional value they offer, like increased comfort, priority boarding, and meals, not just the cost of the flight itself.

This raises a key question: what pricing strategy should the investors adopt? While the ultimate decision rests with them, our role is to equip them with actionable insights and data-driven recommendations.

The dataset offers valuable insights into customer willingness to pay compared to their highest past purchase. To analyze this relationship effectively, we can leverage a combination of visual tools: a correlation matrix and a heatmap.

This approach provides the investors with a clear understanding of the data. The heatmap, using color gradients, will depict the strength or frequency of values, highlighting patterns in customer willingness to pay. Additionally, column charts can be used as a complementary analysis to visualize the distribution of respondents across different price ranges.

This combined analysis will allow them to easily identify patterns, such as the number of respondents who are:

  • Price-sensitive: willing to pay less than their highest past purchase.
  • Value-conscious: willing to pay around their highest past purchase.
  • Premium-seeking: willing to pay more than their highest past purchase.
Unlocking Customer Price Sensitivity: Willingness to Pay vs. Past Purchases

The visualization analyzes the overall price sensitivity for coffee purchases. To provide investors with insights on price sensitivity for specific coffee drinks, we can implement a filter based on respondents’ favorite beverages. This will allow them to tailor recommended pricing strategies for each drink on the menu.

A fascinating trend is revealed: premium-seeking respondents are the most prevalent, followed by value-conscious, and then price-sensitive customers. This suggests that those who’ve spent more on coffee in the past exhibit lower price sensitivity. This presents a potential opportunity to target coffee enthusiasts who prioritize quality over affordability.

However, a value-based pricing strategy shouldn’t be recommended solely based on this data. To provide a more comprehensive picture, we should consider additional factors like competitor pricing, operational costs, coffee spending habits across different demographics, and potential biases within the dataset.

When creating visualizations, I rely on for color inspiration. Their platform offers a variety of search options, allowing me to discover different color schemes and select the ideal combination that complements my reports and dashboards.

Thank you for reading!

I hope this case study provided valuable insights. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out.

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Iwa Sanjaya
Microsoft Power BI

A data storyteller, making complex data approachable for non-data savvy.