DAX Power BI: Unveiling the Dynamics of Time — Date and Time Functions in DAX

Andrei Khaidarov, Microsoft MVP, PhD
Microsoft Power BI
Published in
4 min readJan 28, 2024


In the world of data analysis, the dimension of time plays a pivotal role. Whether you’re forecasting, reporting, or analyzing, the way you handle dates and times can make a world of difference. Data Analysis Expressions (DAX) is a powerful language that offers a variety of date and time functions to navigate through this temporal landscape. Let’s explore the fundamental DAX functions that handle the Datetime data type, providing us with the tools to articulate and manipulate temporal data with precision.

Date and Time Functions

TODAY and NOW: These functions serve as the foundation of temporal data manipulation. TODAY() returns the current date, while NOW() adds the dimension of the current time to the date. Imagine tracking the delivery status of orders; TODAY() could be used to filter orders due today, while NOW() might be used to send real-time alerts for dispatch.

DATE and DATEVALUE: Need to construct a date from individual components or convert a string to a date? DATE() and DATEVALUE() have got you covered. DATE() can take year, month, and day components to form a date, whereas DATEVALUE() turns a date in text format into a Datetime value. They're perfect for scenarios where date components are sourced from different data fields or user input.

YEAR, MONTH, and DAY: When it comes to breaking down a date into its constituents, these functions are your go-to. Extracting the year, month, or day from a date is essential for creating reports that compare sales or performance metrics across different time frames.

TIME and TIMEVALUE: Similar to their date counterparts, TIME() and TIMEVALUE() deal with the time aspect of Datetime. Whether you're logging the exact time of transactions or scheduling events, these functions ensure that time is captured and utilized effectively.

HOUR, MINUTE, and SECOND: Delving deeper into time, we have functions to extract hours, minutes, and seconds from a Datetime value. These can be particularly useful in analyzing call center operations or response times in customer service.

WEEKDAY and WEEKNUM: With WEEKDAY() and WEEKNUM(), you can derive the day of the week and the week number within the year. These functions can be indispensable for weekly sales reports or staffing schedules.

YEARFRAC: Need to determine the fraction of the year that has passed or to calculate prorated amounts? YEARFRAC() is your solution. This function is invaluable for financial analysis, such as calculating interest or depreciation.

These functions are indispensable for setting or creating specific dates or times. But there’s more to DAX’s temporal capabilities.

Logic of Date Operations: Beyond Basics

The second block we delve into is the logic of operations with dates.

Specific Functions for Date Logic

CALENDARAUTO and CALENDAR: These functions are the architects of your calendar in DAX. CALENDARAUTO() creates a calendar based on the data in your model, while CALENDAR() requires specific start and end dates. A calendar is essential because date functions interact with it to perform correctly. If you attempt to use these functions directly with date columns, the results may be inaccurate.

DATESBETWEEN and DATESINPERIOD: When you need to limit your analysis to a specific timeframe, these functions are invaluable. DATESBETWEEN() allows you to filter data between two dates, while DATESINPERIOD() gives you the power to define a period dynamically. For instance, if you need to extract sales data for a fiscal quarter, these functions will help you specify the exact range.

We will discuss this section in more detail in the following articles.

Constructing Calendars for Precise Time Analysis

Creating a calendar is a foundational step in temporal data analysis because DAX’s date functions require a calendar context to operate correctly. By constructing calendars using primary date columns from your data, you ensure that all subsequent date operations are accurate and reflective of your specific temporal structure.

Restricting Calendars for Targeted Insights

Once your calendar is in place, DATESBETWEEN and DATESINPERIOD come into play to restrict your calendar for specific analyses. Whether you're looking at a financial quarter or a promotional period, these functions allow you to narrow down your data to the precise time slice you're interested in.


In the ever-evolving realm of data analytics, understanding and utilizing DAX’s date and time functions is crucial. These functions not only allow for detailed temporal data manipulation but also enable analysts to craft dynamic models that can adapt and respond to time-based queries with agility.

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Andrei Khaidarov, Microsoft MVP, PhD
Microsoft Power BI

🎓 Microsoft Data Platform MVP | MCT | Power BI Super User | Global Power Platform Hero| Power Platform Solution Architect| Technical reviewer for Packt's books