How to Design Attractive Power BI Reports

In It to Win It 🤠: Part 1 of Participating in the FP20 Analytics Challenge on Data-Driven Education Management

Isabelle Bittar
Microsoft Power BI


Sketch In Progress by Isabelle Bittar for KI Data Science


I’ve decided to participate in my first analytics competition: the FP20 Analytics Challenge on Data-Driven Education Management (you can view the challenge site here)! Why? I wanted access to the real data provided by the Fort Vermilion School Division (FVSD) and to explore the education domain 😁.

Data-Driven Education Management Challenge Hosted by FP20 Analytics (View Site Here)

As I navigate this challenge, I plan to write a few articles on my methods. This first article focuses on developing the initial report design for this challenge. As you will see in the next sections, the ‘final output’ of my initial design process is mostly work in progress sketches (like the one presented in this cover image). I don’t work too hard on having final sketched versions in this stage since I find the last 20% can easily take 90% of the time/resources and a lot might change once we actually start working in Power BI. For me, what’s important in this initial design stage is to construct a solid data narrative for our report before going full…



Isabelle Bittar
Microsoft Power BI

Isabelle is a Montreal-based business consultant specialized in data science.