💻 Mastering DAX — Detailed Overview of Information Functions in DAX

Tomas Kutac
Microsoft Power BI
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Mar 26, 2024

Information functions are pivotal in DAX, serving as the detectives of our Power BI data model. They assist us with data discovery (ISBLANK, ISEMPTY, CONTAINS, CONTAINSSTRING), detection of data types (ISTEXT, ISNONTEXT, ISLOGICAL ISNUMBER), comprehending relationships (ISFILTERED, ISCROSSFILTERED), managing errors (ISERROR), and beyond. Whether we’re scrutinizing for blank values, grasping data types, or navigating diverse data scenarios, information functions stand as our trusted go-to tools.

Ethan Guyant writes a detailed overview of DAX Information Functions that you can find here:

🔗 Dive into DAX: Elevated Insights with Information Functions

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Tomas Kutac
Microsoft Power BI

IT Manager, Data Analyst, Power BI and Personal Growth enthusiast. "In the end, it is people who make a difference"