Ayşegül Yiğit
Microsoft Power BI
Published in
3 min readJun 27, 2024

In today’s world, data analysis and visualization play a critical role in enabling businesses to make strategic decisions. In this context, powerful data analysis tools like Power BI provide users with the capability to interpret complex data and create effective reports. Power BI’s DAX (Data Analysis Expressions) functions make data models dynamic and interactive, thereby deepening analyses.

In this article, we will examine a report I created using DAX functions in Power BI and detail fundamental DAX functions such as ALL, ALLEXCEPT, ALLSELECTED, and REMOVEFILTERS, as well as other functions that can be used as alternatives. You will find the necessary information here to analyze your data more effectively and optimize your reports.

DAX Functions

  1. ALL Function The ALL function removes all filters from the specified table or column. This function is commonly used to calculate overall totals for measures.

2. ALLEXCEPT Function The ALLEXCEPT function removes all filters except those from specified columns. This function is useful when you want to calculate a total for a specific group.

3. ALLSELECTED Function The ALLSELECTED function removes all filters except those applied by the user. This allows you to perform calculations without affecting data visualizations when slicers or filters are used.

4. REMOVEFILTERS Function The REMOVEFILTERS function removes filters from the specified tables or columns. It is similar to the ALL function but offers a more flexible and readable syntax.

5. KEEPFILTERS Function The KEEPFILTERS function adds additional filters while preserving the existing ones. This is useful when you do not want to change the filtering behavior.

6. FILTER Function The FILTER function filters a table based on a specific criterion. This function is useful for more complex filtering requirements.

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