📢 Power BI New Feature — Visual Calculation

Tomas Kutac
Microsoft Power BI
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Apr 9, 2024

A visual calculation is formulated in DAX language and executed directly within a visual element. These calculations streamline the creation of complex formulas, resulting in simplified DAX expressions, reduced maintenance efforts, and enhanced performance.

These are the specifics of Visual Calculations:

  • Visual Calculations aren’t stored in the model, but on the specific visual and can refer only to data included in the visual.
  • Visual Calculations combine the simplicity of context from calculated columns with the on-demand calculation flexibility from measures.
  • Visual Calculations run calculations on aggregated data instead of the detail level, as in Measures. This has performance benefits.

Akshay Mishra wrote an article explaining Visual Calculations in detail:

Visual Calculations — DAX Just Got Easy

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