Striking the Perfect BALANCE in Power BI Reports

Santhana Lakshmi Ponnurasan
Microsoft Power BI
Published in
2 min readJul 24, 2023

In the dynamic world of data-driven decisions, a well-designed dashboard serves as a compass, guiding us through the sea of information. And at the heart of a visually appealing and user-friendly dashboard lies the key principle of BALANCE.

Balance is crucial in creating a dashboard as it ensures that the visual elements and information are harmoniously arranged, leading to a user-friendly and effective data presentation. Balance refers to the visual weight and content distribution across the layout when designing a dashboard.

Reasons why balance is important in dashboard design-

a) Visual Appeal:

Balanced dashboards are visually pleasing, making them more engaging and inviting to users.

b) User Experience:

Balance aids in creating an intuitive layout, guiding users through the dashboard effortlessly. Properly aligned and proportioned elements help users find the information they need quickly, without feeling overwhelmed or confused.

c) Clarity and Readability:

A balanced dashboard avoids clutter and overcrowding, which can hinder comprehension. By distributing information evenly and leaving ample white space, you improve the readability of charts, graphs, and textual content, making it easier for users to absorb the insights.

d) Focus on key metrics:

The balance enables you to highlight essential data and insights effectively. By strategically positioning critical elements, such as key performance indicators (KPIs) or critical alerts, you draw users’ attention to the most significant aspects of the dashboard.

e) Minimizing Cognitive Load:

When a dashboard is balanced, it reduces the cognitive load on users’ brains. They can focus on interpreting the data and making decisions rather than trying to decipher a chaotic layout.

How to attain BALANCE in your Power BI Reports?

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Santhana Lakshmi Ponnurasan
Microsoft Power BI

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