Understanding Date Operations with DAX Functions in Power BI

Dossier Analysis
Microsoft Power BI
Published in
2 min readMay 15, 2024
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Power BI’s DAX formula language empowers you to manipulate dates for insightful data analysis. Here’s a breakdown of key DAX functions for conquering date operations:

1. Extracting Date Components:

  • YEAR(date): Isolates the year from a date value.
  • MONTH(date): Extracts the month (1–12) from a date.
  • DAY(date): Returns the day (1–31) from a date.
  • WEEKNUM(date, [start_of_week]) : Determines the week number within a year (1–52 or 1–53 for leap years). The optional start_of_week parameter specifies the day considered the start of the week (Sunday by default).

2. Date Arithmetic:

  • DATEADD(date, number, interval): Adds a specified number of units (days, weeks, months, etc.) to a date.
  • Example: DATEADD('2023-05-09',3,MONTHS) returns "2023-08-09".
  • DATEDIFF(date1, date2, interval): Calculates the difference between two dates in specified units.
  • Example: DATEDIFF('2024-05-09','2023-05-09',YEARS) returns "1".

3. Working with Fiscal Periods:

  • PERIODICALYEAR(date): Returns the fiscal year for a given date, considering the starting month of your fiscal year definition.
  • PERIODICALMONTH(date): Returns the fiscal month (1–12) for a given date, considering the starting month of your fiscal year definition.

4. Working with Specific Dates:

  • TODAY(): Returns the current date.
  • STARTOFMONTH(date): Returns the first day of the month for a given date.
  • ENDOFMONTH(date): Returns the last day of the month for a given date.

Example: Sales Analysis by Quarter

Imagine you want to analyze sales figures by quarter. Here’s a DAX formula to create a calculated column categorizing each sale record into its respective quarter:

Quarter = 
VAR SelectedMonth = MONTH([Order Date])
SelectedMonth >= 1 && SelectedMonth <= 3, "Q1",
SelectedMonth >= 4 && SelectedMonth <= 6, "Q2",
SelectedMonth >= 7 && SelectedMonth <= 9, "Q3",

Beyond the Basics:

Explore advanced functions like DATESBETWEEN, EOMONTH, and WEEKDAY to tackle more complex date manipulation tasks. Remember to consult Microsoft’s DAX reference guide [invalid URL removed] for comprehensive details and additional functions.

By mastering these DAX functions, you’ll unlock the power of date manipulation in Power BI, enabling you to perform in-depth temporal analysis and extract valuable insights from your data.

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Dossier Analysis
Microsoft Power BI

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