Understanding Power BI Data Flows

Microsoft Power BI
Published in
5 min readJan 28, 2024


In the ever-evolving landscape of data analytics, efficiently managing and transforming data is crucial for any organization. Power BI Data Flows represent a powerful tool in the arsenal of data analysts and business intelligence professionals. This blog aims to demystify Power BI Data Flows, offering a professional yet accessible guide with a real-life example to illustrate its practical application.

What are Power BI Data Flows?

Power BI Data Flows are a feature within the Power BI service that allows users to create, manage, and share reusable data transformation logic. Think of them as a pipeline that ingests raw data from various sources, processes it, and then stores it in a common data model format in Azure Data Lake Storage. This process not only streamlines data management but also ensures that transformed data is readily available for reporting and analytics.

How Power BI Data Flows Work

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The accompanying diagram provides a visual breakdown of the Power BI Data Flow architecture, illustrating how data is processed and managed within the Power BI ecosystem.

Data Sources

At the far left, we see various data sources. These can be diverse, ranging from SQL databases, Excel files, cloud services, or other structured and unstructured data repositories. In a real-world scenario, these sources represent the raw, unprocessed data that businesses accumulate from different operations such as sales, customer interactions, or internal processes.

Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2

This component of the architecture serves as a centralized storage solution that is highly scalable and secure. The data flows ingest raw data from multiple sources, apply transformations, and then store it in the Azure Data Lake. The use of Microsoft’s Common Data Model-compliant folders ensures that the data is stored in a standardized format, making it easier to manage and access.

Links and Compute

The arrows labeled ‘Link’ signify the ability to reference and reuse entities across different data flows, promoting efficiency and consistency. The ‘Compute’ blocks indicate the processing power applied to run the data flow’s transformations and storage operations.

Datasets, Reports, and Dashboards

Once the data has been processed and stored, it is then formatted into datasets, which serve as the foundation for building Power BI reports. These reports can then be arranged and summarized into dashboards that provide actionable insights through visualizations and KPIs.

Why Were Data Flows Needed?

As organizations grow, the demand for more scalable, reliable, and collaborative data transformation solutions increases. Power Query’s reliance on local processing and its single report focus became limiting factors. The need for a more centralized, cloud-based solution became evident, leading to the development of Power BI Data Flows.

The above flowchart paints a clear picture of inefficiency when multiple analysts work with Power Query in Power BI. Consider three analysts, each extracting and transforming the same data from Table A to create their individual reports. This redundant ETL process is like three cooks preparing the same dish separately — it’s not the best use of time or resources.

This redundancy leads to:

  • Excessive Resource Use: Each analyst’s ETL task intensively consumes system resources.
  • Wasted Time: The same ETL steps are executed multiple times, delaying insights.
  • Data Discrepancies: Slight variations in ETL by each analyst can lead to inconsistent reports.
  • Complex Maintenance: Updates to ETL processes have to be replicated across all analysts, increasing the likelihood of errors.

Power BI Data Flows offers a solution by centralizing ETL tasks, ensuring consistency, and freeing up resources. This change streamlines workflows, fosters collaboration, and enables scalability. By adopting Data Flows, our team of analysts can collaborate more effectively, each benefiting from a single, efficient ETL process.

Key Advantages of Data Flows Over Power Query

  • Decoupling Data Preparation from Report Creation: Data Flows allow data transformation logic to be independent of individual reports, which can then be used as a shared resource.
  • Streamlined Data Governance: By centralizing data transformations, Data Flows make it easier to maintain data governance and consistency across an organization.
  • Reducing Redundant Efforts: They eliminate the need to replicate data transformation logic for each new report, saving time and reducing the possibility of errors.
  • Support for Large Datasets: Data Flows are better suited for handling larger datasets, providing more robust performance than Power Query.

Real-Life Example: Retail Sales Analysis

Imagine a Fashion brand that operates both online and physical stores. They collect sales data in different formats from various sources: in-store sales are tracked in a SQL database, while online sales are recorded in a cloud-based system.

Challenge: The company’s analysts struggle with consolidating these diverse data sets for a unified sales analysis.

Solution: By using Power BI Data Flows, the company can:

  1. Create a data flow to ingest data from both the SQL database and the cloud system.
  2. Transform and clean the data, standardizing formats, and merging datasets.
  3. Store the transformed data in a common format accessible to all analysts.
  4. Use this data to generate comprehensive sales reports and dashboards that provide insights into sales trends, product performance, and customer preferences.

Outcome: This streamlined process leads to more efficient and accurate reporting, better decision-making, and a comprehensive understanding of sales performance across all channels.


Power BI Data Flows were introduced to meet the growing needs of businesses for scalable, efficient, and collaborative data transformation and management. While Power Query remains a vital tool for individual report development, Data Flows offer a strategic advantage for enterprises seeking to streamline their data analytics operations across multiple reports and dashboards.

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