Native Vs Hybrid, What is the Best Approach?

Take best choice for Mobile application development


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While deciding on developing a mobile application, a dilemma that arises quite often is whether to create a native app or a hybrid app. With the popularity of smartphones, more businesses are incorporating mobile applications into their workflow to extend their consumer presence.

Let’s start by defining each of these types of programming technology’s

Developing a mobile app that provides information or resources that allows you to enjoy your favorite medium of entertainment is what mobile app creation entails. Mobile apps are used in a variety of formats. They are either pre-installed during the production phase or shipped as web apps during the processing process. Every application developer's attention goes through a lot of pre-development considerations like screen sizes. With such considerations in mind, the app developer implements technologies to develop the mobile app.

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in this situation decide whether developers need a native app or a hybrid app, they must first consider each app style and how they vary.

Native Apps

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Software application built in a specific programming language, for the specific device platform, either iOS or Android.

Native iOS apps are written in Swift or Objective-C and native Android apps are written in Java.

Advantages of Native Apps:

The reason is that native apps have a number of significant advantages over the alternatives.

  • Fast and Responsive — Native apps are created for a single platform and compiled using the platform’s core programming language and APIs, they are extremely fast and responsive. As a result, the software is far more effective. The app is stored on the device, allowing the software to take advantage of the device’s computing power. The data and visual aspects of a native mobile app are already stored on the device when users travel through it.
  • Easy to tap into wider device functionality — Native apps are created specifically for a platform, utilizing all of the software and operating system characteristics. Because these apps have direct access to the device’s hardware, such as the GPS, camera, and microphone, they are faster to execute, resulting in a better user experience. Another significant benefit of native app development is push notifications.
  • Match app UI/UX to platform conventions — The best reason to utilize native mobile apps is the better user experience. Native apps are those that are designed expressly for a certain operating system. They follow the rules, which help to improve and align the user experience with the operating system. As a result, the app’s flow is more natural because each platform has its own UI standards.

Disadvantages of Native Apps:

  • Lack of Flexibility.
  • Reduced Functionality and Performance.

Hybrid apps

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Hybrid apps, like web apps, are built with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS and run in something called WebView, a simplified browser within your app.

The Native vs Hybrid app debate is complicated, and even though we’ve just shown you some key benefits of building a native app, there are certainly advantages to going hybrid.

Say you have an idea for an app and you don’t know if people will like it or not. Your goal is to put something usable into their hands as quickly as possible. You’re short on resources, so you need to create a simple version of your product that still provides value. In the startup world, this is called an MVP(Minimum Viable Product).

Building a web app might be the truly minimal option, but it won’t really allow you to test whether people will download and use an app on their device

Advantages of Hybrid Apps:

  • One codebase to manage — If hybrid applications are popular, there is no limit to how far they can grow and support practically all platforms. Its performance on various platforms is determined by the framework used to create the apps. Expert hybrid app development companies can produce engaging, interactive hybrid apps that perform well on all major mobile platforms.
  • Attractive UI/UX designs — Consistent experience and attractive design are two core elements that drive more users to your app. With hybrid app development, you can be sure your mobile app offers superior UI experience and flawless performance to app users. Due to its un-compromised operation and look on each platform, hybrid apps are more welcome to app store than any other mobile apps.
  • Instant access
  • Offline Support
  • Easier to scale
  • You still have access to devise features.

Disadvantages of Hybrid Apps:

  • Limited functionality — Although hybrid apps are becoming more flexible as mobile web browsers get new features and better performance, your developer will be unable to access specific hardware functionalities like as augmented reality.
  • Discoverability


In this article, we discussed the pros and cons of native and hybrid applications. Deciding which type of application to choose based on the information in the article depends primarily on the organization and end-user requests. I hope this article helped you to give a big picture of the native and hybrid development. There is no best solution and it’s just identifying the requirements and addressing them in the most productive way.

Thanks for reading!


