Role of Computer in Medical Field:

Naseeb Dangi
Microsoft Student Ambassadors Nepal
2 min readApr 30, 2020

Do u know that some scientists recently built a heart model made up of real human protein? Computer technology plays an important role in every industry as well as in our personal lives. Out of all of the industries that technology plays a crucial role in, healthcare is definitely one of the most important. Computer technologies can be used in production, distribution and for research and advance application in medical field.

Computer Technologies are used in medicine production industry so as to prepare medicine with precise chemical composition under the guidance of expertise. Likewise, AI helps in the manufacturing of the targeted types of medicine that are made for specific diseases as process of medicine identification consists of many steps such as data mining, hypothesis generation, data optimization, and many others that allow the slow improvement of the entire medicine manufacturing results with the help of enough available data[1].

Similarly, With the help of computer technologies the innovations or modern tools made for curing or effective examination of patients on other countries can be known and one can order those tools and equipments . Besides Technology has drastically changed how medical experiments are conducted. Instead of taking years, experiments now take months or weeks. This is because it is now possible to simulate human reactions to a particular drug, instead of having to rely entirely on human volunteers.It has also been used in remote monitoring and tele-medicine and become very beneficial to patients as they can easily access and consult a doctor in the comfort of their homes.

Today, it is possible to reproduce bones and some internal organs using 3D printing technology. These artificial organs and bones can then be introduced into the body of the patient to replace diseased or problematic areas. Surgeons are also using 3D printing technology to have a better understanding of what is happening inside their patients’ bodies. With a 3D model, it is significantly easier for a surgeon to have a closer look at the problem and simulate a variety of solutions or possible operations that can be undertaken before performing the actual surgery on the patient.[2]

There have been many breakthroughs in data collection, treatments, research, and medical devices such as hearing aids which have had a huge impact on the World of Medicine. Computers technologies are sure to amaze us with advance capabilities that seem impossible today.

[1] KenSmith, “How Technology is Changing the World”, 2019[online] Available: [Accessed: FEB 3 2020][2]Rilind Elezaj, “How Technology is Changing the World”, 2018[online] Available:[Accessed: FEB 3 2020]



Naseeb Dangi
Microsoft Student Ambassadors Nepal

A Microsoft Student Partner. Pretty Geeky to Computer Technologies. I am an Electronics Hobbist and I love programming. More, I love music and I play flute.