Identity, Authentication and Authorization for Azure Kubernetes Service — AKS


Ala Raddaoui
Microsoft Azure
Published in
14 min readSep 29, 2021


Kubernetes does not offer any built in mechanism for defining and managing users. Instead it allows admins to integrate their organization identity service provider of choice in order to interact with the cluster. This way you don’t have to recreate or replicate users and manage them twice. Azure Kubernetes service offer the ability to integrate with Azure AD, an entreprise-grade ready identity management solution as the source of truth for account management and security.

In this blog we will dive deep in the notion of identity, how it is created, the different authentication and authorization options available both from a Kubernetes and Azure Kubernetes service perspective.


Currently, there’s four possible ways to configure Authentication and Authorization in an AKS cluster:

1- Authentication using local accounts for both user and admin access / Authorization using Kubernetes RBAC (default)



Ala Raddaoui
Microsoft Azure

Cloud Solution Architect at Microsoft, digital nomad and fan of everything open source, smart and cloud native.