Ensure Success by Learning Azure Key Vault Best Practices

Adam Bertram
Microsoft Azure
Published in
9 min readSep 13, 2022


Originally published at https://adamtheautomator.com by Matt McElreath on September 13, 2022.

Protecting your data in the cloud can be worrisome when you don’t use any service to keep your secrets safe. The good news is that Azure Key Vaults provide a mechanism for securely storing and accessing secrets. Not sure how the Key Vaults work? No worries! This tutorial has got you covered with Azure Key Vault best practices.

With Key Vaults, you can ensure that only authorized people and resources can access and interact with your secrets. And in this tutorial, you’ll learn to protect your Key Vaults from attacks or unwanted exposures.

Stay tuned so you can keep your secrets, well, a secret (pun intended)!


This tutorial will be a hands-on demonstration. If you’d like to follow along, be sure you have the following:

Related: How to Use Azure Data Lake for Storage and Analysis

Creating a Key Vault to Use for Azure Key Vault Best Practices

When creating Azure Key Vaults, a best practice is having a separate key vault per application and environment. Separating Key Vaults this way provides the following advantages versus larger, shared key vaults:

  • A security boundary between secrets that have different purposes.
  • Decreases the “blast…



Adam Bertram
Microsoft Azure

A 20-year veteran of IT, crypto geek, content creator, consultant and overall problem solver.