Full Stack Application with Azure SQL & Prisma

Davide Mauri
Microsoft Azure
Published in
2 min readOct 19, 2022

Fullstack and Jamstack architectures are common nowadays, but they can be quite intimidating if you are just getting started in the web development space. So many concepts, technologies and patterns to grasp. And so many alternatives!

Well, thanks to @glaucia86 you now have a *full series* on the top-notch technologies, like:

- Node.Js
- Prisma
- Azure SQL
- Azure Functions
- Azure Static Web Apps & GitHub Actions

With 37 small videos from Glaucia and other amazing contributors (@ruheni and @cmaneu) you can really have a jumpstart in all related technologies. And of course, a full repository is available too:

Don’t miss this content, it is pure gold!


01 — Course Overview
02 — Learning Objectives

Module 01 — Prisma Fundamentals

03 — What is Prisma?
04 — Why we Should use Prisma?
05 — Key Concepts about Prisma
06 — Important Resources & Recap

Module 02 — Azure SQL Fundamentals

07 — Module 02: Overview
08 — What is Azure SQL?
09 — Why should we use Azure SQL?
10 — Azure SQL Support in Prisma
11 — Important Resources & Recap

Module 03 — Azure Static Web Apps Fundamentals

12 — Module 03: Overview
13 — What is Azure Static Web Apps?
14 — Understanding the Azure Static Web Apps Workflow
15 — Why should we use Azure Static Web Apps?
16 — Which libs/frameworks can I use with Azure Static Web Apps?
17 — Important Resources & Recap

Module 04 — Dev Tools

18 — Dev Tools Overview & Installation
19 — Configuring the .devContainer folder
20 — Important Resources & Recap

Module 05 — Application Development

21 — Application Overview
22 — Forking the Front-End project
23 — Structuring the Back-End project
24 — Creating Database Server
25 — Creating Database
26 — Creating Shadow Database
27 — Installing Packages
28 — Modeling Database with Prisma
29 — Using Prisma Migrations
30 — Using Prisma Studio
31 — Developing ‘CreateEmployee’
32 — Developing ‘GetEmployees’
33 — Developing ‘GetEmployee’
34 — Developing ‘UpdateEmployee’
35 — Developing ‘DeleteEmployee’
36 — Deploying the App with ASWA

Module 06 — Next Steps

37 — Next Steps

Remember, here’s the link to the video playlist


And here’s the related GitHub repo:




Davide Mauri
Microsoft Azure

Data Geek, Storyteller, Developer at heart, now infiltrated in Azure SQL product group to make sure developers voice is heard loud and clear. Heavy Metal fan.