Geo-Redundant Stateful Service Made Easy with ASP.NET Core, .NEXT and Azure Virtual Machines

Itay Podhajcer
Microsoft Azure
Published in
6 min readOct 12, 2021

The biggest challenge when developing stateful services, is synchronizing changes to state across all instances of a service. The purpose of the synchronization process that is taking place constantly between all instances is to reach a single consensus on what is considered the correct state.

There are diverse ways to reach a consensus, referred to as consensus algorithms, but for the purpose of this article, we will be focusing on the Raft consensus algorithm. The Raft algorithm in considered relatively simple, as it defines a leader election mechanism, which is triggered when there is no available leader in the network, whether due to a fresh startup of the instances or failure of the previous leader. Once a leader is elected, only it is allowed to make changes to the state (state change requests to other nodes are redirected to the leader) and transmit them to the follower instances.


We will be developing the stateful service using ASP.NET Core, so the .NET SDK should be installed on the workstation (an IDE, such as Visual Studio or Visual Studio Code is not mandatory, but it does make life easier). For the deployment script we will be using Terraform to deploy to Azure, so both the Terraform and Azure CLIs should also be installed on the workstation.

Example Repository

A complete example of the stateful ASP.NET Core service and Terraform script that can be used to deploy the infrastructure required to run the service on multiple virtual machines deployed in different geographical regions is available in the following GitHub repository:

The Service

We will be keeping the implementation as simple as possible, splitting the implementation into two files:

  • Program.cs: The entry point component, holding the code for bootstrapping all the required pieces to run the service (configuration, HTTP routes definition and component registration).
  • ServiceState: Will hold the derived custom implementation of the state synchronization mechanism.

For the actual Raft consensus algorithm, we will be using .NEXT’s (.NEXT is part of the .NET Foundation) implementation, as it has all the parts to integrate with an ASP.NET Core service and extension points for fitting it to the state structure we will be implementing.

We will start by creating a new ASP.NET Core empty project by calling:
dotnet new web -o StatefulService
And deleting the Startup.cs file, as we will be writing all the bootstrapping code in the Program.cs file using the new top-level statements feature that was introduced in C# 9.0.

Next the following NuGet packages are installed in the project (using dotnet add package <PACKAGE-NAME> to add the ones that are missing):

  • Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing
  • Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration
  • Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection
  • DotNext.AspNetCore.Cluster
  • DotNext.Net.Cluster

Now we can start working on our code, starting with a new file called ServiceState.cs in which we will implement a component that will both hold the local state, a simple ledger defined using a dictionary with an integer field representing an ID and a string value, and the implementation for the state synchronization logic for our dictionary.

First, we define an interface that will be later used to access the service to read and update the state:

Next, we create a class the derives from .NEXT’s PersistentState, that does disk persistency, state sending and receiving for us. We just implement the ApplyAsync protected function which is called when a consensus message arrives (along with the UpdateValue function that handles the case when the consensus message has an actual value), and our interface’s state getting and setting functions:

Note that we don’t change the state directly in SetStateAsync, instead, we create a new log entry message with the values for the state change, commit it (spreading it to all instances) and wait for the completion of the commit. We will then receive the log entry message we created through ApplyAsync, even when it was the same instance that originally committed the values. This is done to ensure correct propagation of the state across all the instances, even when failures occur.

The next file we will be implementing will be the Program.cs file. We will start by defining two functions that will be defining the endpoints of our service. One for reading the state (an HTTP PUT endpoint):

And one for reading the state (an HTTP GET endpoint):

The types that are used by the above endpoints are defined as immutable record types in the following manner:

And lastly, we will implement the bootstrapping code at the top of the file (just after the using directives):

The above code differs from regular ASP.NET Core bootstrapping in:

  • The call to UseConsensusProtocolHandler which adds the consensus mechanism middleware.
  • The call to RedirectToLeader which is performed to all HTTP verbs but GET, using a call to MapWhen to allow reading locally, but enforce redirection to the leader for write operations.
  • And the call to JoinCluster which, well, tells the service to join the cluster (defined on startup using a static list of IP addresses).


For brevity (and as the entire script is available in the above-mentioned GitHub repository, under the eng directory), I won’t be covering the common steps used to deploy a virtual machine on Azure, and instead, focus specifically on the mechanisms used to upload and the service’s code and configure the virtual machine, which in this article, are the Terraform provisioners.

The provisioners won’t be defined directly on the virtual machine resources, but a null_resource that will be executed per instance after all the virtual machines were deployed. The provisioners will:

  • Upload a systemd service file with a dotnet command which includes the --urls argument, which tells the service its network binding information, and a--members:[INSTANCE-INDEDX] http://[INSTANCE-IP]:80 argument for each of the instances, which defines the static instances list of the cluster. The file will be generated from the following template:
  • Install the ASP.NET Core 5.0 runtime.
  • Create the directlry which will be holding the service’s files.
  • Set the owner of that directory to the user that will be used to run the service.
  • Upload the service’s files.
  • Modify the permissions on the uploaded files to allow execution of the main file.
  • Allow the main executable file to open port 80, as Linux doesn't allow using reserved well-known ports (below port number 1024).
  • Restart the systemd daemon and enable and start the service.


To test our service instances, we can use curl (note that commands are in PowerShell syntax)to read the state if one of the dictionary’s rows usingcurl.exe http://[INSTANCE-IP]/1 and for writing the state, we can use curl.exe — % -i -L -X Put -d “{ \”state\”: \”Some String State\” }” -H “Content-Type: application/json” http://[INSTANCE-IP]/1

Each call will return the current leader, so we will be able to play around with the instances we call for reading and writing, like:

  • Reading a first time from any of the instances (will return the leader’s IP and current instance IP)
  • Writing to a non-leader instance (will redirect to the leader)
  • Read from the second non-leader, which now should return the value that was synchronized from the leader.


Two significant points need to be raised when implementing such a solution for production. The first is that it will create a much more resilient system if the instances can be discovered dynamically using an external mechanism such as multi-host DNS record or a configuration server (like etcd for example). The second point, is that Terraform provisioner are recommended to be used only as a last resort, and in this case, the better approach for deploying the services, would have been by creating a custom virtual machine image and then use that for the virtual machines (we didn’t do that for simplicity).



Itay Podhajcer
Microsoft Azure

Tech expert with 20+ years’ experience as CTO, Chief Architect, and Consultant. 3x Microsoft MVP award winner. Passionate blogger and open-source contributor