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Going multicloud with kubernetes and Azure Front Door

Kubernetes/AKS/GKE/MultiCloud/Azure Front Door

Ala Raddaoui
Microsoft Azure
Published in
10 min readAug 25, 2021


One question, I get asked by customers who have achieved a descent level of experience with running Kubernetes applications in a single cluster is how to adopt a multi cluster, hybrid or even a multicloud approach?!

Whether, your strategy is to achieve global high availability, increase resiliency or perhaps have another deployment running in a secondary cloud as a Disaster recovery solution, in this blog, we will evaluate one of the options to achieve a multicloud deployment strategy of a Kubernetes application using Azure Front Door as the Global loadbalancer solution. We will be using both Microsoft’s AKS and Google’s GKE as the backend k8s clusters but other managed Kubernetes solution can work similarly as well.

The resulting architecture at the end will look like the following:

Architectural Design Review

Before we dive right into the implementation, let’s talk about the architectural design decisions made here.

If you look at the design decision tree for Load Balancing internet facing Http(s) at Global scale for AKS applications, the recommendation from Azure is to use…



Ala Raddaoui
Microsoft Azure

Cloud Solution Architect at Microsoft, digital nomad and fan of everything open source, smart and cloud native.