In the journey of digital transformation — Application modernization goals and Strategies

The 7 Rs / Cloud Rationalization

Ala Raddaoui
Microsoft Azure
Published in
10 min readOct 27, 2022



In today’s dynamic market, businesses must be agile, flexible, and innovative to stay competitive and survive the next decade. Applications power modern world businesses. Traditional ways of building, deploying, and managing these applications consume IT budgets and resources and impede business goals and innovation. Because of this, an organization’s digital transformation strategy is not just an option anymore.

This blog aims to help you think about your application portfolio and approaches for modernizing it in the context of Cloud Computing.

What is app modernization?

Application modernization is the process of updating old software to take advantage of new design paradigms, modern programming languages, frameworks, and platforms. In the context of Cloud Computing, application modernization consists in updating an organization’s current application portfolio, workflows, and data management to a cloud-first model.

This process is performed in stages and starts with creating a modernization plan where the organization conducts the…



Ala Raddaoui
Microsoft Azure

Cloud Solution Architect at Microsoft, digital nomad and fan of everything open source, smart and cloud native.