Lifting your serverless app to on-premises with KEDA and K8s. Part 1.

Or how-to move Azure Functions to your client data center.

Stas(Stanislav) Lebedenko
Microsoft Azure
6 min readSep 14, 2020


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Why? A few years ago the main scenario was to lift application to the cloud, nowadays things changed ))). Last spring, I was asked to move an existing serverless application built around Azure Functions to on-premises for compliance purposes.

Here is the link to the follow-up article.

The video that covers this tutorial.

This publication is a part of a #AzureFamily community event, check other publications at and follow #AzureBacktoSchool.

TL;DR; In this article, I will share steps to move a serverless application from a consumption plan to a client data center with the help of Kubernetes and KEDA for an event-driven cluster scale.

This is the first article in the series of three. The following two articles will be dedicated to the replacement of Azure Storage Queue with a Rabbit MQ broker and the replacement of Azure SQL Database with SQL Server on Linux.


About 90% of customers are ok with Azure and the cost-effective Functions Consumption plan at the cloud, but there are others, who need mixed edge scenarios or entire infrastructure in the private data centers. And sometimes 10% of customers can generate around 30% of annual profits :).

Kubernetes(K8s) usage is unfortunately inevitable and something everyone should know around at least at the basic level. The problem with K8s is a reactive scale that doesn’t provide a good fit for event-driven apps, but Microsoft with an open source community created KEDA to solve the issue.

With KEDA K8s cluster is able to scale based on the number of events in the message broker, rather than consumed memory and CPU. While it's not really necessary in general scenarios, with Functions based on queue triggers is a recommended approach.

I will provide an end-to-end tutorial in this article based on the Azure Functions Core Tools, new Azure Function app, Azure CLI script for infrastructure and KubeCtl.

For an existing application, you should add Dockerfile for a function app, install KEDA and create Kubernetes YAML manifest for container deployment.

The cloud architecture:

The new on-premises Kubernetes architecture:

But let’s proceed with the tutorial.


The action plan is pretty simple.

  • Install Azure Functions Core Tools(.NET Core 3.1) and Azure CLI.
  • Install Docker.
  • Deploy Kubernetes and infrastructure via Azure CLI script.
  • Scaffold new Azure Function application.
  • Create a docker container and test the application.
  • Deploy container to the private container registry (ACR).
  • Deploy container to Azure Kubernetes cluster (AKS).

Save the storage account connection string, to use it below. Lets create new Azure Functions application or use my GitHub repository.

Navigate to KedaFunctionsDemo folder and update AzureWebJobsStorage value with storage account connection string. Add output triggers and most importantly change authorization level on Producer function from AuthorizationLevel.Function to AuthorizationLevel.Anonymous.

Now you can start and test application.

Now lets build and run docker container locally, but first we need to set a container name like ACR one from CLI script - k82Registry. Be aware that account connection string is needed for container start.

Check results by navigating to http://localhost:9090/

And check functions with curl.

Stop all containers before proceeding further by running command in CMD.


Now we will proceed with Kubernetes setup and deployment.

First, we need to access our environment from command shell and with help of following commands and push container to container registry

There are several options to install KEDA, with function tools, HELM or kubectl, here is the link. To speed up things we will do this from project directory with func command.

We will install KEDA, generate Kubernetes cluster manifest, adjust it and then deploy application.

In a few minutes cluster will be up and ready to receive your requests, write them to the storage queue and process them with consumer function.

Docker push, KEDA installation and cluster YAML generation.

Its a good idea to double check generate k8_keda_demo.yml file and compare container images with those are published in container registry. In my case version were different :v1 referenced in YAML file and different one in registry.

After re-deployment everything went well

Pods status after deployment.

Load testing.

The first thing we need is a public IP address of a load balancer to access application with curl.

Public IP address of the cluster.

Then we can proceed with load testing with help of the and adjust cluster scalability settings if requests start to fail :).

Testing Azure Function with free tier.

The summary.

There is no need write special version of your application for on-premises usage and Azure Functions can be used on Kubernetes if needed along with RabbitMQ, Kafka and Microsoft SQL Server.

Some components of migration is missing, but I will cover points below in the following articles, stay tuned :).

  • How to setup Minicube on Windows 10 and run everything locally.
  • How to replace Azure Storage Queue with RabbitMQ.
  • How to setup a containerized Microsoft SQL Server.
  • How to secure cluster and how to store logs.

That’s it, thanks for reading. Cheers!



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Microsoft Azure

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Stas(Stanislav) Lebedenko
Stas(Stanislav) Lebedenko

Written by Stas(Stanislav) Lebedenko

Azure MVP | MCT | Software/Cloud Architect | Dev | | Odesa MS .NET/Azure group | Serverless fan 🙃| IT2School/AtomSpace

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