Item Types CRUD Operations with Native, COM and Managed APIs

Bentley MicroStation
MicroStation CONNECT SDK
4 min readOct 22, 2019

This blog demonstrates how to use Item Types native, COM and Managed API’s for following operations:

  1. Create Item type Library, Item Type and Property.
  2. Read default value of already available property.
  3. Update the default value of already available property.
  4. Attach item type to an element.
  5. Detach item from an element.
  6. Delete item type property, item type and item type library.

Create Item type Library, Item Type and Property

  • Native API
DgnFileP dgnfilePtr = Bentley::MstnPlatform::ISessionMgr::GetActiveDgnFile();
ItemTypeLibraryPtr libPtr = ItemTypeLibrary::Create(L”Imported Furniture”, *dgnfilePtr, false);
ItemTypeP sofaItemTypePtr = libPtr->AddItemType(L”Sofa”, false);
CustomPropertyP typeProperty = sofaItemTypePtr->AddProperty(L”Type”, false);
  • COM
Dim libraries As ItemTypeLibraries
Dim itemTypeFurnitureLib As ItemTypeLibrary
Dim itemTypeSofa As itemtype
Dim itemTypeProperty As itemTypeProperty

Set libraries = New ItemTypeLibraries
Set itemTypeFurnitureLib = libraries.CreateLib(“Imported Furniture”, False)

Set itemTypeSofa = itemTypeFurnitureLib.AddItemType(“Sofa”, False)
Set itemTypeProperty = itemTypeSofa.AddProperty(“Type”, ItemPropertyTypeString)

itemTypeProperty.SetDefaultValue (“Decorated”)
  • Managed
ItemTypeLibrary itemTypeLibrary = ItemTypeLibrary.Create(“Imported Furniture”, Session.Instance.GetActiveDgnFile());
ItemType itemType = itemTypeLibrary.AddItemType(“Sofa”);
CustomProperty customProperty = itemType.AddProperty(“Type”);
customProperty.DefaultValue = “Decorated”;
customProperty.Type = CustomProperty.TypeKind.String;

Read default value of already available property

  • Native API
DgnFileP dgnfilePtr = Bentley::MstnPlatform::ISessionMgr::GetActiveDgnFile();
ItemTypeLibraryPtr libPtr = ItemTypeLibrary::FindByName(L”Imported Furniture”, *dgnfilePtr);
ItemTypeCP sofaItemTypePtr = libPtr->GetItemTypeByName(L”Sofa”);
CustomPropertyCP typeProperty = sofaItemTypePtr->GetPropertyByName(L”Type”);
ECValue val;
std::wstring defaultValue = val.GetString();
  • COM
Dim libraries As ItemTypeLibraries
Dim itemTypeFurnitureLib As ItemTypeLibrary
Dim itemTypeSofa As itemtype
Dim itemTypeProperty As itemTypeProperty
Dim defaultValue As String
Set libraries = New ItemTypeLibraries
Set itemTypeFurnitureLib = libraries.FindByName(“Imported Furniture”)
Set itemTypeSofa = itemTypeFurnitureLib.GetItemTypeByName(“Sofa”)
Set itemTypeProperty = itemTypeSofa.GetPropertyByName(“Type”)
defaultValue = itemTypeProperty.GetDefaultValue
  • Managed
ItemTypeLibrary itemTypeLibrary = ItemTypeLibrary.FindByName(“Imported Furniture”, Session.Instance.GetActiveDgnFile());
ItemType itemType = itemTypeLibrary.GetItemTypeByName(“Sofa”);
CustomProperty customProperty = itemType.GetPropertyByName(“Type”);
string defaultValue = customProperty.DefaultValue.ToString();

Update the default value of already available property

  • Native API
DgnFileP dgnfilePtr = Bentley::MstnPlatform::ISessionMgr::GetActiveDgnFile();
ItemTypeLibraryPtr libPtr = ItemTypeLibrary::FindByName(L”Imported Furniture”, *dgnfilePtr);
ItemTypeCP sofaItemTypePtr = libPtr->GetItemTypeByName(L”Sofa”);
CustomPropertyCP typePropertyCPtr = sofaItemTypePtr->GetPropertyByName(L”Type”);
CustomPropertyP typePropertyPtr = const_cast<CustomPropertyP>(typePropertyCPtr);
typePropertyPtr->SetDefaultValue(ECValue(L”Newly Decorated”));
  • COM
Dim libraries As ItemTypeLibraries
Dim itemTypeFurnitureLib As ItemTypeLibrary
Dim itemTypeSofa As itemtype
Dim itemTypeProperty As itemTypeProperty
Set libraries = New ItemTypeLibraries
Set itemTypeFurnitureLib = libraries.FindByName(“Imported Furniture”)
Set itemTypeSofa = itemTypeFurnitureLib.GetItemTypeByName(“Sofa”)
Set itemTypeProperty = itemTypeSofa.GetPropertyByName(“Type”)
itemTypeProperty.SetDefaultValue (“Newly Decorated”)
  • Managed
ItemTypeLibrary itemTypeLibrary = ItemTypeLibrary.FindByName(“Imported Furniture”, Session.Instance.GetActiveDgnFile());
ItemType itemType = itemTypeLibrary.GetItemTypeByName(“Sofa”);
CustomProperty customProperty = itemType.GetPropertyByName(“Type”);
string defaultValue = customProperty.DefaultValue.ToString();
customProperty.DefaultValue = “Newly Decorated”;

Attach Item Type to an Element

  • Native API
//Get the ElementHandle eh for the element on which Item Type will be attached 
EditElementHandle eeh(eh.GetElementRef());
Bentley::DgnPlatform::CustomItemHost itemHost(eeh, false);
DgnECInstancePtr instancePtr = itemHost.ApplyCustomItem(*sofaItemTypePtr);
instancePtr->SetValue(L”Type”, ECValue(L”Modifed Sofa”));
  • COM
Dim libraries As ItemTypeLibraries
Dim itemTypeFurnitureLib As ItemTypeLibrary
Dim itemTypeSofa As itemtype
Dim itemPropHandler As ItemTypePropertyHandler
Dim lineElement As Element
Dim instanceOldValue As Object
Dim instanceSetStatus As Boolean
instanceSetStatus = False

Set libraries = New ItemTypeLibraries
Set itemTypeFurnitureLib = libraries.FindByName(“Imported Furniture”)
Set itemTypeSofa = itemTypeFurnitureLib.GetItemTypeByName(“Sofa”)
‘Get the lineElement on to which an Item type will be attached
Set itemPropHandler = itemTypeSofa.AttachItem(lineElement)
If (itemPropHandler.SetPropertyValue(“Type”, “Modifed Sofa”)) = True Then
Debug.Print itemPropHandler.GetPropertyValue(“Type”)
End If
  • Managed
//line is Element object on which an Item Type will be set 
CustomItemHost customItemHost = new CustomItemHost(line, false);
IDgnECInstance ecInstance = customItemHost.ApplyCustomItem(itemType);
ecInstance.SetString(“Type”, “Modified Sofa”);

Detach Item from Element

  • Native API
//Get the ElementHandle eh for the element on which an Item Type will be attached 
EditElementHandle eeh(eh.GetElementRef());
Bentley::DgnPlatform::CustomItemHost itemHost(eeh, false);
DgnECInstancePtr instancePtr = itemHost.ApplyCustomItem(*sofaItemTypePtr);
instancePtr->SetValue(L”Type”, ECValue(L”Modifed Sofa”));
  • COM
Dim libraries As ItemTypeLibraries
Dim itemTypeFurnitureLib As ItemTypeLibrary
Dim itemTypeSofa As itemtype

Set libraries = New ItemTypeLibraries
Set itemTypeFurnitureLib = libraries.FindByName(“Imported Furniture”)
Set itemTypeSofa = itemTypeFurnitureLib.GetItemTypeByName(“Sofa”)
‘lineElement is the Element object from which the Item Type will be detached
  • Managed
//line is the Element object from which the Item Type will be detached 
CustomItemHost customItemHost = new CustomItemHost(line, false);
System.Collections.Generic.IList<IDgnECInstance> customItems = customItemHost.CustomItems;
var ecInstanceType = customItems[0];
IECPropertyValue eCProperty = ecInstanceType.GetPropertyValue(“Type”);

Detach Item Type Property, Item type and Item Type Library

  • Native API
ItemTypeLibraryPtr libPtr = ItemTypeLibrary::FindByName(“Imported Furniture”);
ItemTypeCP sofaItemTypePtr = libPtr.GetItemTypeByName(L”Sofa”);
CustomPropertyCP typePropertyCPtr = sofaItemTypePtr->GetPropertyByName(L”Type”);
  • COM
Dim libraries As ItemTypeLibraries
Dim itemTypeFurnitureLib As ItemTypeLibrary
Dim itemTypeSofa As itemtype
Dim itemTypeProperty As itemTypeProperty
Set libraries = New ItemTypeLibraries
Set itemTypeFurnitureLib = libraries.FindByName(“Imported Furniture”)
Set itemTypeSofa = itemTypeFurnitureLib.GetItemTypeByName(“Sofa”)
Set itemTypeProperty = itemTypeSofa.GetPropertyByName(“Type”)
itemTypeSofa.RemoveProperty (itemTypeProperty.GetPropId)
itemTypeFurnitureLib.RemoveItemType (itemTypeSofa.GetId)
  • Managed
ItemTypeLibrary itemTypeLibrary = ItemTypeLibrary.Create(“Imported Furniture”, Session.Instance.GetActiveDgnFile());
ItemType itemType = itemTypeLibrary.AddItemType(“Sofa”);
CustomProperty customProperty = itemType.AddProperty(“Type”);
bool isRemoved = itemType.RemoveProperty(customProperty);


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Bentley MicroStation
MicroStation CONNECT SDK

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