We carry on our duty no matter what!

Дмитрий Будников
Published in
3 min readMar 29, 2020

COVID-19 is still the most intense and the most debated topic of this year. We sincerely hope that none of our users or their relatives has been touched by this disease. Please, take care of your friends and family, wash your hands, avoid crowded places and don’t go out unless it’s an emergency. But most importantly — don’t panic.
These events are expected to decrease sales and alter trends in a short perspective (1–2 months). Our job wasn’t affected by the current situation in the world though and we continue implementing new features and supporting our users as usual. This week we have completely redesigned both MicroStock+ Trends interface and its landing page and made the service more useful, beautiful and responsive.

For over two years we’ve been collecting information from the Shutterstock database. We’ve undertaken a significant optimization, load balancing and implemented trend indicators in M+ interface; therefore we’re ready to provide our service to a greater number of users. Perhaps, it would be MicroStock+ Trends that will help you to improve your sales or keep them on the same level during the crisis.

With all these modifications we also change our subscription plans.

  • First, we change our subscription model to a monthly subscription with a lower fee. For example, the “Novice” subscription plan costs only 3 EUR/month and includes all basic functions that should be enough for every novice microstock author. More advanced subscription plans create new opportunities for experienced users. You can learn more on our subscription page.
  • Second, we will keep adding more features to every subscription plan. For example, we’ve already refined trend indicator and decided to make it accessible for M+ Trends users only. This week we’re going to implement a sales graph for users with the “Guru” subscription plan. Please note that this graph is calculated using our neural network based on the publicly available data. We do NOT use the actual user sales information because we respect your privacy and security.
  • Third, we’ve merged all sections of the service into a single one so you can use the same subscription for all types of content. You will not have to pay for photos and videos separately as it used to be.
    All users with acquired and unused (or partially used) legacy subscription packages will get a refund on favorable terms.

There are more good news to lighten your mood!

  • Free unlimited submits for the beginners
    We always care about your safety and ease of work. Today more than ever.
    We present free and unlimited submissions for all users who has never used a paid subscription and whose income from the microstock agencies is less than 50$ (under the condition that you permit M+ to collect the information about your earnings balance).
  • Design and interface fixes
    We’ve made many small adjustments influencing M+ design, interface and response. Button and scroll animation have became smoother, pop up appearance have got better and so on. These are small things but together they significantly improve the user experience.

That would be all for today. We hope that the current situation is temporary and will get better soon. We’re going to keep up our work in any case. You can read the latest news here and in our Telegram channel. Keep your head up!

