4 Overrated Tech Trends in ‘21

Roxane Edjlali
Published in
3 min readJul 20, 2021

What happens when 4 leading industry analysts convene for a discussion about the state of the analytics market in the wake of Covid-19? The opinions start flying — and the conversation naturally moves to what everyone wants to talk about: the most overrated and underrated technology trends in analytics for 2021. This blog post is the first of a two-part series and will cover the Most Overrated Trends according to these experts.

But before we jump in — I’d like to introduce you to who was in the room. Mike Gualtieri is the Vice President and Principal Analyst at Forrester Research. David Menninger is the Senior Vice President and Research Director at Ventana Research. Robert Tischler is Managing Director and Senior Analyst at the Business Application Research Center (BARC) Austria. R “Ray” Wang is the Principal Analyst, Founder and Chairman of Silicon Valley-based Constellation Research.

The webinar focused on the ways the global pandemic changed the investment strategies, buying patterns, and top priorities for the analytics industry. Has a new culture of analytics actually emerged? For this blog post, we’ll fast-forward to the lightning round, where each analyst shared their top pick for the most overhyped trends.

R “Ray” Wang, Chairman and Founder at Constellation Research

Ray talked about how deploying to the Cloud is now the de facto standard for data and analytics — but deploying in the cloud isn’t itself what drives transformative business value. Organizations should choose analytics providers that embrace hybrid and multi-cloud approaches, do not lock them into any one particular technology solution, and can act as a trusted partner in driving analytics adoption and data-driven culture. Get complete details on our cloud offering here.

Mike Gualtieri, VP Principal Analyst at Forrester

Mike spoke about how data visualizations can be misleading when prepared carelessly, causing costly mistakes. Organizations should focus on developing a trusted data architecture and delivering concrete answers in context — so users are able to minimize misunderstandings and maximize results. Check out our Dossiers and HyperIntelligence to see how.

David Menninger, SVP & Research Director at Ventana Research

Dave covered data literacy and the idea that not everyone needs to become experts in the company’s data — rather, analytics should be delivered to people where and when they do their jobs, in forms and structures familiar to them and the way they operate. At MicroStrategy, we are working to expand the reach of analytics to all users and to create a bottom-up data culture rather than a top-down data literacy program. Experience how we solved “the last mile” problem here with ServiceNow.

Robert Tischler, Senior Analyst Data & Analytics at BARC GmbH

Finally, Robert talked about the limits of natural language query in serving the needs of the business. We recommend leveraging NLQ to easily interact with data in simple use cases — and encourage organizations to select a vendor that offers broad and rich analytical capabilities to avoid unnecessary proliferation of solutions in your landscape. Learn more about MicroStrategy’s leading position in Enterprise Analytics here.

Stay tuned for the second half of this blog, where we’ll cover the Top 4 Underrated Tech Trends in ‘21.



Roxane Edjlali

Senior Director Solution Management and Head of Analyst Relations