Oh My Gourd, It’s November!

Nick Novotny
Published in
5 min readNov 30, 2021

A note from the Education and Community teams-

The Holiday Season is right around the corner and here at MicroStrategy, we have much to be grateful for. The Community and Education teams can’t thank you enough for your exceptional engagement and collaboration in 2021. We couldn’t be more proud of all the Microstrategists around the world that have stepped up to empower and support one another.

We can’t wait to kick off the ultimate MicroStrategy collaborative event, MicroStrategy World, in just a few months! World 2022 will be on February 1st — 2nd, 2022. Register today to save your front-row seat at this interactive, virtual conference and follow our blog to make sure you don’t miss out on any World and other MicroStrategy updates.

Enjoy our November edition of The MicroMinute, and as always, feel free to reach out with any questions or ideas!

Featured Content

2022 Community Masters and Influencers Program

MicroStrategy Masters and Influencers are expert BI analysts, architects, and developers that go above and beyond to share their MicroStrategy knowledge with the public. Each year, we recognize the top contributing Community members to thank them for their hard work. We will select the winners at the end of 2021, so continue contributing to the Community now to be in the running! We will recognize the top contributing members of the year based on engagement, accounting for both quantity and quality, in the Community. You can check out the leaderboard to track your progress.

New KPI Variations

With MicroStrategy 2021 Update 3, we introduced the Multi-Metric and Comparison KPIs. Multi-Metric KPIs are best used when you have several important indicators that you want to display in one, responsive visualization together. On the other hand, Comparison KPIs can be incorporated into your dossiers to indicate the progress towards an objective, like sales and goal.

Looking for other visualizations to take your dossiers to the next level? Visit the Solutions Gallery today!

Natural Language Generation in Dossier

Explore the out-of-the-box Arria extension that enables you to add natural language generation (NLG) capabilities to your dossiers. With expert narrative generated from the entire dataset, critical facts and insights that might otherwise be missed are now shown — resulting in faster, better-informed decision-making. Enhance your dossiers with Intelligent Narratives today!

Education Spotlight

Enhancing Dossier Design and Performance

Watch Anahi Serrano, Senior Education Consultant, in the Top Tips: Enhancing Dossier Design and Performance presentation. You’ll discover our top five hacks to optimize your dossier designs including best practices for data wrangling, dataset management, and content caching. Plus, our specialists share tips and tricks to help you avoid common pitfalls and troubleshoot issues that can impact performance. To learn more, check out our Advanced Dashboarding with Dossier course.

The November DossBoss Winner

Congratulations to the November DossBoss winners, Shantanu Khapre, Manish Singh, Sanvar Sheikh, and Rahul Jain from Nice Software Solutions! Working together, they built an incredibly informative free-form dossier covering everything you could want to know about dog ownership. With data on weight, diet, shedding, cost, lifespan, and more on over 80 dog breeds, this dossier is a must-see if you are ever considering adopting a dog.

Be sure to check out this dossier along with the runner-ups on the DossBoss page for more inspiration and to enter in the new challenge. Do you have what it takes to become the next DossBoss?

The DossBoss Challenge

For December’s challenge, we want you to create your best Football dossier, with a twist! You have a few options: show your love for American football, analyze the most popular sport in the world (Soccer, as we in the US know it), or compare the two in a combined dossier. Whether it be about team stats, player salaries, number of fans, the history of either sport, or any other intriguing football data, we can’t wait to check out your creative free-form-football dossiers!

Feel free to visit the Community for help with troubleshooting or getting inspiration. Submit your completed DossBoss dossier here as a .mstr file or video by EOD on Wed, December 22, 2021. Winners will be announced in the December MicroMinute and on the Community DossBoss page.

That’s it for the November edition of the MicroMinute.

Stay tuned for the December edition and subscribe here to have it delivered to your inbox!

