Looking for Basketball fans on Medium.

Look, we are trying to change that.

Mid-Range Jump Shot
2 min readNov 9, 2023


Logo for this new basketball publication on Medium.

There are no active publications.

If you go to Medium.com’s search bar, type in ‘NBA’, then click on ‘Publications’, you will find that the first publication listed hasn’t published anything new since 2017. But if you go to stories, there are people talking about the NBA in stories.

I think starting a new publication to act as a hub for NBA stories on Medium would be beneficial. There are arguments out there that Pubs on Medium are dead but I think having stories in publications can only be positive, not negative. So introducing, Mid-Range Jump Shot: a publication for Basketball fans on Medium.

Please write for the publication.

Just so we are clear, I don’t view writers as writing for my publication. I like to think that the writers are writing for the community/audience. Essentially, I want to run this publication like it’s subreddit. So if you have any basketball stories you want to share, please ask in the comments to be added as a writer. You can even add past stories to the publication as well. Once you are added as a writer, you can click on the three dot menu on your story and choose “Add to Publication”.

What kinds of stories will Mid-Range Jump Shot be publishing?

I would like to say anything basketball related but as editor I will be reviewing each submission to ensure a certain level of quality. I want to keep things current events-ish. In the subtitle for the pub I wrote “up-to-date basketball news, stories, predictions, and opinions.”

I think College Basketball and WNBA content is not just fine but also encouraged. Meta commentary about the state of basketball is also encouraged, as long as it is not overly toxic. I don’t think this will be a problem but if something is approaching libel I will leave a note.

If a story gets submitted that is clearly just an advertisement for some basketball training camp or product and has no real value to readers who are fans of basketball, then you will be getting notes.

Also, this is just good practice: have a feature image and make sure it is credited properly.

That is all. Maybe people will see this and be excited. Might just be me and a few homies. Either way, we here now.

Until next time,

— virgil.alonso



Mid-Range Jump Shot

I’m doing a lot of pf photography right now. Who knows what I will be doing tomorrow? Topics I write about will vary. :) www.photoverge.studio/links