Introducing Midas SDK

Midas Author
Midas Capital
Published in
4 min readAug 17, 2022

Midas Capital was envisioned to democratize earning opportunities through custom-built and isolated money markets, also known as Midas pools. While money markets have been prevalent in the DeFi ecosystem, the key players have certain constraints that limit their potential. At Midas Capital, we are removing such limitations to provide a truly decentralized, permissionless, and multi-chain experience to users, DAOs, and protocols.

Democratizing Isolated Money Markets

Midas Capital is bringing isolated Midas pools for users, DAOs, and protocols to lend, collateralize, and borrow assets through customizable multi-chain money markets. Pool creators can build, manage, and customize Midas pools with custom parameters, creating their own isolated money markets.

We have onboarded major ecosystems such as BNB, Moonbeam, and Polygon and are en route to onboarding many more. With multiple pools live, users can deposit their assets and earn yield or use them as collateral to borrow other assets in the pool. Multiple pools have already received liquidity, and users can participate in the money markets with isolated risk and better earning opportunities.

But at Midas Capital, we want to build a highly rewarding ecosystem across chains focused not only on investors but also on developers. We have created an open-source toolkit that enables any protocol developer to seamlessly integrate their own applications with Midas Capital. In a recent AMA with Pascal Tallarida, Founder of Jarvis Network, Dominik Hell — Lead Strategist at Midas Capital, said: “We have the Midas SDK, which is an SDK framework that goes on top of the isolated lending and borrowing contracts that allow developers to interact with our contracts directly. We think that Midas will be a meta protocol that other protocols can build on top of, one of the examples being Jarvis.”

Building Together: The Midas SDK

To create an inclusive and enriching ecosystem, Midas aims to provide a foundational layer to protocols and projects that wish to provide cross-chain money markets to their users. This is why we have built the Midas SDK, which is a chain-agnostic toolkit assisting developers in managing, creating, and interacting with Midas pools. With the Midas SDK, developers can seamlessly integrate permissionless pools into their own applications with the interaction with Midas happening in the backend.

Similarly, the key benefit of using the Midas SDK is that it can be easily integrated into any frontend and offers access to all features offered by Midas itself, such as managing and creating money markets, enabling deposits, lending, borrowing, and repaying of funds, and adding liquidity mining campaigns to pools to name a few. Here are the key modules that developers can utilize through the SDK.

Protocol Discoverability: Since Midas is a multi-chain protocol with plans to go cross-chain, the Midas SDK seamlessly works within a multi-chain deployment, enabling developers to easily access key details, such as each chain’s available infrastructure, main contract addresses, and the deployed contracts in that chain.

Pool Management: The SDK also offers a variety of use cases, including the capabilities to deploy, customize, and manage pools, followed by adding assets to it and running liquidity mining campaigns. The SDK also integrates with our token rewards distribution infrastructure, allowing developers to let users claim rewards from such liquidity mining campaigns from any web front-end.

Liquidating Positions: Liquidations are a core component of any lending and borrowing platform. Our tooling enables anyone to easily query pool position health and trigger liquidations. The SDK can become your next source of income!

Want to dive deeper into the Midas SDK? We have created a handy guide where we showcase how to get the most of the SDK in a real-life project. This full-fledged web app uses our SDK to perform common operations, such as querying pools & letting users fund them. Midas Pools can, in fact, become a white-label solution for any frontend.

One of the real-life examples of a protocol utilizing the Midas SDK to deploy isolated money markets on their own frontend is Risedle, which is bringing leveraged tokens for users to trade a 2X leverage on BNB. While the Risedle pool is active for users to go long and short, users can also mint the leveraged tokens on the Risedle platform itself.

Important Links: Source Code | Docs | npm package

In Conclusion

As we work towards onboarding more ecosystems and building upon the Midas SDK, the end goal is to make both development and money markets easily accessible. We’re eager to open-source the code for our existing and any future partners to have deeper insights into our inner workings.

As the ecosystem is going to get bigger and better, it might be the right time for both upcoming and established projects to delve into the benefits of providing money markets to users with unique use cases. If you want to use the Midas SDK to enable money markets in your front end, you can connect with us here.

About Midas Capital

Midas Capital is bringing isolated and customizable money markets to EVM-compatible blockchains. Enabling users, DAOs, and protocols to create customized and isolated pools for lending and borrowing any asset, Midas is building a cross-chain ecosystem that democratizes money markets. Pool creators have the flexibility to modify pool parameters (interest rate curves, oracles, collateral factors, pool fee, etc.) according to their risk appetite. With isolated pools, Midas offers stellar features for both large-scale institutions, protocols, and traditional investors.

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