Midas Capital x Bomb.Money

Midas Author
Midas Capital
Published in
2 min readJun 1, 2022

We are happy to announce that we have onboarded bomb.money with the creation of the BOMB pool.

The Bomb.money ecosystem offers high and sustainable yields to users while being pegged to Bitcoin at a 10,000 to 1 ratio. It is a single-step solution for staking Bitcoin, turning it into an active income class and a powerful but user-friendly doorway into DeFi 2.0, allowing investors complete control over their assets and strategies.

About The BOMB Pool

Pool structure:

  • Collateral: BOMB, BTCB, Cake LP (BOMB-BTCB)
  • Borrowable: BTCB

LTV for BOMB pool assets:

  • BOMB 30% LTV
  • BTCB 80% LTV
  • Cake LP (BOMB-BTCB) 50% LTV

Access The Pool

ERC 4626

Both BOMB and BOMB-BTCB LP utilize the ERC-4626 tokenized vault standard and the flywheel contract to allow users to deposit BOMB and BOMB-BTCB LP into the pool as collateral while continuing to earn rewards. Here’s an article to help you learn more about the ERC-4626 vault standard.

When a user deposits BOMB or Cake LP (BOMB-BTCB) into the pool, the Midas Protocol automatically stakes these assets into the xBOMB and Pancakeswap staking contracts, respectively. The flywheel contract then funnels the staking rewards back into the pool so the users can claim their rewards while their assets are being used as collateral.

BOMB users no longer have to choose between staking their assets for yield and using their assets as collateral — they can now do both!

About Bomb Money

Bomb.money is an exciting algocoin ecosystem designed to bring high and sustainable yields while maintaining exposure to Bitcoin. It is based upon the work of the tomb.finance project on the Fantom network. The protocol provides the means for its underlying BOMB asset to maintain an algorithmically pegged value to BTC at a 10,000 to 1 ratio. Providing users the opportunity to take complete control of their stake and position within the bomb.money ecosystem, users can implement various strategies to maximize their earning potential.

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About Midas Capital

Midas Capital is bringing isolated and customizable money markets to EVM-compatible blockchains. Enabling users, DAOs, and protocols to create customized and isolated pools for lending and borrowing any asset, Midas is building a cross-chain ecosystem that democratizes money markets. Pool creators have the flexibility to modify pool parameters (interest rate curves, oracles, collateral factors, pool fee, etc.) according to their risk appetite. With isolated pools, Midas offers stellar features for large-scale institutions, protocols, and traditional investors.

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