MidasCaps — one for everyone!

Published in
2 min readAug 1, 2019

Each person visits the gym for different purposes — someone wants to get in good shape, others want to maintain their health so they exercise . MidasCaps is perfect for a person who wants to lose weight, and for a daily training person who needs to increase their energy level and reduce the recovery time of the body after training. Everyone can find in capsules MidasCaps something what they really need. Moreover, even children can use — it is tasty and healthy.

The capsule MidasCaps is sealed at the time of adding powder. This prevents any oxidation when the food product is exposed to air or oxygen. By preventing this process, the micronutrients found in MidasCaps maintain their integrity and help your body to obtain the healthiest product. MidasCaps capsules contain only natural ingredients and are not composed of chemical additives.

Learn about useful components which MidasCaps capsules contain on our official website https://www.midascaps.io!

We want to remind! IEO SOON!

IEO 2th of August

MidasCaps your practical and conventional way to consume supplements


Attention! Attention!

MidasCoin- Next Generation of Capsules — IEO on 2th August — don’t miss it

ICO rating: 9/10

✔️ Positives:

▪️Unsold token get locked
▪️Team Token lockup for 1 year
▪️Small IEO Hardcap 2.5 Million $
▪️If you buy at the first stage of the IEO you have in the last stage already a 100% profit
▪️Portugal2020 governmental fund support

More details on how to participate





Ann innovative solution combining nutrition and sports activities. MidasCaps https://midascaps.io/