Caucus Countdown: Day 8

Penny Rosfjord
Middle of Nowhere, Center of Everything
2 min readJan 25, 2016

And we are off! I, like the 98 other county chairs have been planning and working of the logistics for the caucus since early last spring. Being a county chair during a Presidential caucus is probably one of the busiest, but fun times you will experience. From the logistics of finding and securing caucus location sites to making sure your team of volunteers has been trained and has the supplies they need. The Iowa Democratic Party has been hard at work preparing a vast amount of official paperwork and packets. They also have hosted trainings all over the state. Volunteers are so vital and training is essential to ensure the Iowa caucuses go smooth for all those involved. For me, in this final countdown, caucus sites have been checked and rechecked. Packets have been distributed. I’m fielding calls, voicemail, text, email, and Twitter and Facebook messages from people confirming their precinct number and where they caucus. Not to mention the pleather of press calls from all over the country. The calls never seem to stop!

There have been many sleepless nights and wondering daily if we have thought through all of the “what if’s”. With Iowa being first in the nation to caucus, I do feel the pressure. All eyes are on Iowa. As an Iowan and a Democrat I am so proud of our state and our caucus process. I believe for my county, we have done everything humanly possible to prepare. We in Woodbury County are ready to finish the last leg of this journey. There will be challenges that arise, however I have to believe the months of preparation and training will give us the tools to face anything the 2016 caucus dishes out.

It has been a wonderful caucus season. Our Democrats have stuck to the issues. There have been respectful debates. Now, it’s our time Iowa to use our voices to start the process of picking the next President. The candidates and campaigns have done their part, now it’s time for us to do this thing. Being a part of this process as a county chair is an experience I will treasure for the years to come. On to caucus.



Penny Rosfjord
Middle of Nowhere, Center of Everything

Iowan, Woodbury Co. Dem/Chair, IA Dems SCC member, IDP4 Vice Chair- All views are my own