Creating the Best Cancer Survivorship Program in the Nation — In Iowa

Brad Anderson
Middle of Nowhere, Center of Everything
5 min readOct 7, 2015

Yes, since 2011 Above + Beyond Cancer has led cancer survivors and caregivers on journeys to places like Everest Basecamp and the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro. We packed up support vehicles and followed survivors on coast-to-coast bicycle races and marathons across the United States. Last month we returned home after leading ten cancer survivors and nine caregivers on a weeklong, whirlwind mission trip to Nepal following the earthquake.

Yoga in a Nepal courtyard before heading to the Bhaktapur Cancer Hospital to build a garden.

Some people call what we do crazy while those who participate call it living.

Above + Beyond Cancer is a cancer survivorship nonprofit with the mission to elevate the lives of those touched by cancer to create a healthier world. Our organization has grown dramatically over the past four years, starting with a couple dozen survivors and caregivers on a journey to Everest Basecamp to more than 2,750 survivors who have joined in an Above + Beyond Cancer journey, class or event.

Despite, or most likely because of our previous quests, our most audacious endeavor is currently in the works: Creating the best weekly cancer survivorship program in the nation, right here in Central Iowa.

Doctors and patients know, and countless studies show strengthening one’s mind, body and spirit can reduce the risk of cancer recurrence, yet too often insurance plans do not cover survivorship and communities do not make survivorship programs a priority. With more Americans than ever surviving a cancer diagnosis, this needs to change.

We are charting a difference course here in Central Iowa, and last month Above + Beyond Cancer officially launched the YMCA Optimal Living for Cancer Survivors program.

How will this program be different than others and a success? Three simple ingredients:

1) PEOPLE. If you have ever spent more than five minutes with our founder, Dr. Richard Deming, you know he is a uniquely talented individual with a giant heart, a passion for helping anyone and everyone who has been touched by cancer and an energy level that borders on inhuman. As the Director of the Mercy Cancer Center, Dr. Deming understands the important role strengthening one’s mind, body and spirit plays in cancer survivorship and he has worked hard to develop our Optimal Living for Cancer Survivors program so each component is fully represented.

Dr. Deming leading cycling class every Wednesday from 6:50–7:45 pm at the YMCA Healthy Living Center in Clive.

Along with Dr. D, Above + Beyond Cancer has Mary Van Heukelom as our Program Director. Mary is one of the top personal trainers in the state and one of only a handful of Certified Cancer Exercise Trainers in Iowa. She is also a lot of fun, especially when she is not lecturing about the importance of hydrating and using the stairs!

Of course, the heart and soul of Above + Beyond Cancer and everything we do are survivors who participate. Survivors like 69-year old, two-time cancer survivor Gail Enders who just completed Ironman Boulder will inspire ANYONE, cancer survivor or not. Survivor Corey McMordie went from never finishing a marathon or climbing a mountain to finishing a marathon and summiting Mount Kilimanjaro following his cancer diagnosis. These are the types of people who will keep you coming to spin class when you feel like you’d rather binge-watch “Golden Girls” on Netflix.

Dr. Deming and Gail Enders at the Ironman Boulder finish line in August.

2) Y PARTNERSHIP. A top-tier cancer survivorship program with high quality instructors but no building or infrastructure is the equivalent of a wind turbine without a transmission line — a good first step, but not all that useful.

For years now we have helped lead a popular weekly cycling class at the YMCA Healthy Living Center in Clive, Iowa. As soon as we conceived the idea of expanding our cancer survivorship program and creating the Optimal Living for Cancer Survivors program we knew it would only work with the full support of the YMCA of Greater Des Moines.

After proposing the idea to YMCA of Greater Des Moines president and CEO Vernon Delpesce and Associate Executive Director Jeremy Dyvig we got more support than we could have ever imagined. Not only is the YMCA fully on board, but they also agreed to help us market the new program and even hang prayer flags in memory of those who have lost their lives to cancer from the ceiling of their new YMCA building in downtown Des Moines.

In return we will provide 12-week YMCA scholarships to new cancer survivors who participate in the program and hope they become new YMCA members after their scholarship expires. So, we get to use their facilities, the YMCA gets new members and cancer survivors get a robust, inexpensive new program to help them move beyond their cancer diagnosis. Win. Win. Win!

3) IMAGINATION. There are many things that attracted me to Above + Beyond Cancer, but at the top of the list is the willingness of the entire organization to capture the imagination of the public by setting bold goals, putting them on a calendar and accomplishing them with flourish.

There are other cancer survivorship programs out there, but none that take survivors on seemingly impossible treks through Himalayas. There are other potential partners for our program, but none who share our passion for wellness and adventure like the YMCA.

The Optimal Living for Cancer Survivors program is now in place: Mindful-Meditation on Mondays (downtown YMCA), Cycling with Dr. Deming on Wednesdays (YMCA Healthy Living Center in Clive), and Total Training with Mary Van Heukelom on Thursdays (downtown YMCA).

It is up to all of us to make sure the program is a success — so please help spread the word to anyone who has been touched by cancer and let’s make this important program a model for the nation.

For more information visit our Optimal Living for Cancer Survivors web and Facebook pages:

