Economic GOP debate does little to discuss our nation’s federal debt

Jon McAvoy
Middle of Nowhere, Center of Everything
2 min readOct 29, 2015

Voters looking for substantive debate of important fiscal issues walked away disappointed last night after much of the two hours was spent on personal attacks and continual media bashing. With a growing federal debt and reform necessary to preserve our nation’s social safety net, candidates must advocate for solutions that preserve these programs for our children and grandchildren while not burdening them with large amounts of debt. While some candidates addressed the need for substantive reforms, more must be done to ensure the ability to address the growing debt and the road to reform.

With the United States national debt topping $18 trillion, Americans must demand that candidates address the growing inability to pay down our debt significantly. Under the past two administrations, the national debt has nearly tripled, and our ability to substantively reduce our debt obligations has not been addressed by any candidate running. However, some candidates last night did address the growing crisis with substantive solutions in regards to reforming Social Security and Medicare.

Candidates must address our nation’s unfunded liabilities, and put forward comprehensive plans to reform entitlement programs. With nearly $100 trillion in unfunded liabilities partially as a result of these programs, the United States Government is irresponsibly burdening the next generation with an amount of debt that is impossible to pay. Candidates must explicate their plans to fund the entitlement programs that so significantly impact our debt. Further, they must demonstrate that these plans will not harm those who have already retired or who are soon seeking retirement. I applaud those candidates that did demonstrate a commitment to addressing these issues by committing to reform of these programs so as to not continue the spiral of debt. Candidates must put forward specific policy and reforms to the Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid programs, and strengthen them for future generations. Voters must also hold the candidates accountable to these specifics if elected.

In order to be responsible citizens, we must ensure that we have the ability to meet our fiscal obligations while not also devaluing our currency or leaving our nation worse off for future generations. By guaranteeing that each presidential candidate understands and will act upon these challenges, we have the ability to ensure a more prosperous nation for future generations.



Jon McAvoy
Middle of Nowhere, Center of Everything

Retired from Principal Financial Group. Graduate of Northwest Missouri State University.